Mushroom residue processing organic fertilizer involves mixing pig manure with bedding materials such as sawdust, straw, sawdust, and rice husk. Under the action of specialized microbial strains, the mixture is continuously and effectively degraded, digested, or transformed into other nutrients, thereby achieving zero pollution emissions from fecal disposal. Basically, after the process and equipment of the mushroom residue processing organic fertilizer production line work, the organic fertilizer raw materials mixed with mushroom residue can be processed into organic fertilizers, which can be put on the market for sale as powdered organic fertilizers. Of course, it can also be processed into granular organic fertilizers according to the production situation, requiring deep processing equipment such as particle machines and dryers.

Mushroom residue organic fertilizer production line Mushroom residue and other mushroom residues are a large amount of waste generated by large mushroom planting bases after harvesting mushrooms and other materials. In some places, they are called mushroom rods. In early treatment, many mushroom planting bases used mushroom rods as combustibles, which not only causes pollution but also wastes resources. Since the maturity of the production line and processing technology of bio organic fertilizers, mushroom residue and other raw materials such as mushroom residue have been used as one of the sources of organic fertilizer processing.

The use of mushroom residue organic fertilizer production lines and cassava residue organic fertilizer processing equipment to produce organic fertilizer materials not only solves environmental pollution problems, but also achieves the reuse of agricultural resources. Mushroom residue and cassava residue organic fertilizer processing plants produce mushroom residue organic fertilizer materials through mushroom residue organic fertilizer production line equipment, which not only improves the efficiency of farmers but also improves the land. Mushroom residue organic fertilizer produced using mushroom residue organic fertilizer processing equipment improves soil porosity, permeability and exchangeability, plant survival rate, and increases beneficial bacteria and soil microorganisms and populations.

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