How about the bio organic fertilizer production into powdered fertilizer?

Now there are still a lot of breeding enterprises are still waiting and wondering whether adding bio organic fertilizer production equipment will bring benefits to themselves, and whether I have added equipment, but I have no technology and the equipment has become a decoration. In fact, these problems are not problems. You can find a lot of formulas for the production of bio organic fertilizer by random search on the Internet. In addition, some enterprises that do biological organic fertilizer equipment also have many effective formulas. If it is an initial investment, you can first consider the cheap powder line.

How about the bio organic fertilizer production into powdered fertilizer?

Powder bio organic fertilizer production line is relatively low cost of equipment and simple operation. The general steps are fermentation, crushing, stirring and packaging.
1. Fermentation is relatively simple, we generally use the stacking method, so the cost is relatively low, but the disadvantage is that the fermentation is not complete at some time.
2. Grinding will need to use some grinding equipment, generally we are using the semi wet material grinder, this equipment can be moisture in 30-50% of the material evenly crushed, can effectively meet our organic fertilizer standards.
3. The purpose of mixing this equipment is to add some microorganisms and some organic matter to the organic fertilizer and mix them evenly. Adding these things can effectively increase the content of organic matter. Now we mostly use horizontal mixer.
4. Packaging for our finished products convenient storage and transportation.
Using some simple bio organic fertilizer equipment, powdery bio organic fertilizer can turn waste into treasure. For some small and medium-sized breeding enterprises, the investment is relatively small, and the profits are relatively rich! 

What are the common processing equipment in organic fertilizer production lines

The prospects of the organic fertilizer industry are very promising, especially in recent years, with the increasing attention paid to food safety issues, more and more people have higher expectations for organic food, ecological agriculture, sustainable agriculture, green ecological aquaculture, and other aspects. We all hope to enjoy delicious food without worrying about hormone issues or the discomfort caused by excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides. A good prospect will naturally lead to good sales. As people gradually recognize organic fertilizers, the market demand will increase. It is wise for manufacturers to enter this industry as soon as possible and seize the market high ground.

There are several types of conventional organic fertilizer processing equipment:

1. Solid-liquid separator: Separate and treat excess water in raw materials.

2. Fermentation tipping machine: During the fermentation process, the raw materials are flipped to control the uniformity of fermentation and the temperature at which the raw materials are fermented.

3. Semi wet material crusher: finely crush the fermented raw materials to meet the granulation requirements.

4. Horizontal mixer: Fully mix and blend the auxiliary materials and raw materials according to the formula requirements, to make their nutritional composition more uniform.

5. Organic fertilizer granulator: The mixed raw materials are made into predetermined particles using granulator equipment and loaded with organic fertilizer.

6. Organic fertilizer dryer: Dry the excess moisture in the produced granular organic fertilizer to below 15% for easy storage and increased strength.

7. Organic fertilizer cooling machine: The temperature of the dried organic fertilizer particles is very high, and the particles are promptly cooled to quickly cool and shape.

8. Organic fertilizer screening machine: Use a screening machine to screen out some unqualified particles, carry out rework and remake, and retain qualified particles for the next process.

9. Organic fertilizer coating machine: Apply a layer of coating agent evenly on the surface of the particles to improve their strength, brightness, and fullness, which is more conducive to preservation.

10. Organic fertilizer packaging machine: Use an automatic quantitative packaging machine to package particles into bags.

The future development potential of organic fertilizer equipment is enormous, because for the current agricultural situation in China, organic fertilizer raw materials are abundant and of high quality, and the market demand for organic fertilizer is also large. The application range of organic fertilizer is also wide, whether it is farmland or vegetable planting greenhouses, as well as the greening of fruit trees, flower gardens, and soil improvement. Organic fertilizer is widely used, which is also in line with national agricultural development policies. It can be said that, The market prospects for organic fertilizer equipment are very broad.

Why add straw to the pig manure organic fertilizer production line

In the rural pig industry, environmental inspections are becoming more and more stringent. Many pig farms have installed pig manure treatment equipment. After the pig manure is separated from solid and liquid, the dry manure must undergo aerobic composting to sell at a good price. In order to reduce the cost of composting, the fermentation time of composting should be shortened as much as possible. In the process of aerobic fermentation in farms, the choice of filler is very important.

The filler can provide carbon source, increase the porosity of the stack, and adjust the moisture content of the material. Fresh pig manure has high water content, is easy to agglomerate, and has less free space, which is not conducive to aeration and oxygen supply. Therefore, it is easy to make fermentation in an anaerobic state and produce odor, which cannot achieve the purpose of aerobic digestion. Simple pig manure has relatively few carbon sources, which is not conducive to the growth and reproduction of microorganisms. The moisture of fresh pig manure is generally 70-80%. For composting, the humidity is too high and must be adjusted. In the fertilizer production process, pig manure is a commonly used organic fertilizer raw material. However, the process of fertilizer production has certain requirements for moisture.

 In rural areas, there is a large amount of unused corn stover, which can be used as a filler for pig manure fermentation. In addition, wood chips, sawdust, and rice husk are also ideal conditioners. In the United States in recent years, many composting plants have used waste paper as a filler. Like corn stover, furfural residue and mushroom residue are also common solid wastes, which are produced in a large amount and easily cause environmental pollution. If they can be used reasonably in high-temperature composting, waste can be turned into treasure.

In addition, in order to reduce the production cost of organic fertilizer produced by pig farms, especially the use of deep tank fermentation to produce organic fertilizer, the compost composting time is often shortened in production, so corn stalks or other fillers cannot be added too much to the extent that carbon The source is too high.

Pig manure fermented composting is just that organic fertilizer granulator is generally used for fertilizer granulation. The organic fertilizer granulator has a high granulation rate, complete models, and can also be customized.

High-quality compound fertilizer production process of rotary drum granulator

Rotary drum granulator is a kind of molding machine which can be made into specific shape. Rotary drum granulator is a key equipment in compound fertilizer industry, which is suitable for the production scale of cold, hot granulation and high, medium and low concentration compound fertilizer.
The main working mode is the wet granulation of pellets. Through a certain amount of water or steam, the basic fertilizer fully reacts behind the cylinder. Under certain liquid phase conditions, the cylinder rotates and the particles agglomerate into balls under pressure.

The production line process of rotary drum granulator includes raw material batching machine, fertilizer mixer machine, crusher, rotary drum granulator, particle dryer, particle cooler, coating machine for finished product, and quantitative packaging machine for finished product.

High-quality compound fertilizer production process of rotary drum granulator

Characteristics of fertilizer production line of rotary drum granulator

1. Technological innovation, structural improvement, reasonable process layout, advanced technology and low production cost.

2. Drum fertilizer granulation machine is characterized by high wear resistance, convenient maintenance, high ball forming strength, good appearance quality, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, low energy consumption, long service life, convenient operation and maintenance, etc.

3. High balling rate, high drying efficiency, balling rate up to 90%, with a small amount of returned material, the particle size of returned material is small, it can be re granulated; steam heating is introduced to improve the material temperature.

4. Reasonable layout, leading technology, small power, no three waste discharge, stable operation, convenient maintenance. 

How to process sheep manure into fertilizer through an organic fertilizer granulator

Sheep manure organic fertilizer has been deeply loved by cash crop growers all over the country, and has an important position. Sheep manure organic fertilizer is a nutrient rich fertilizer in livestock, which combines both late and fast sheep manure. Sheep manure has a dense texture and less water content than cow manure, so the decomposition rate of Fu heat is slower than horse manure and faster than cow manure, making it a thermal fertilizer. The application of sheep manure organic fertilizer on sandy soil and cohesive soil has good effects. Sheep manure organic fertilizer contains a large amount of organic matter, which is an important source of organic matter in soil. It can improve soil, improve soil fertility, turn lean soil into fertile soil, and turn bad soil into good soil.

How can sheep manure be processed into organic fertilizer through an organic fertilizer granulator? The method is as follows:

1. Stack auxiliary materials such as sheep manure, straw, and straw, as well as fermentation agents in a certain proportion on the fermentation site. For example, mixing sheep manure with an appropriate amount of straw powder depends on the moisture content of the sheep manure. Generally, fermentation requires a moisture content of 45%.

2. Then, mix the bio composite bacteria in a ratio of 0.3 kilograms of fermentation broth with 1 ton of raw material (about 1.5 tons of fresh material), dilute the broth with water in a ratio of 1:300, and evenly spray it into the material pile for mixed fermentation. Add proper amount of corn flour to provide sugar for strain fermentation, so that multi-dimensional complex enzyme bacteria quickly occupy absolute advantage.

3. After the fermentation temperature of sheep manure compost increases, it can be turned over. When the fermentation temperature is about to reach 70 degrees, a pile flipper should be used to turn over the pile every other day.

4. When the temperature of sheep manure compost decreases, the material is loose, there is no odor or slight ammonia odor, and white mycelium is produced inside the pile, it indicates that the sheep manure organic fertilizer has already fermented and matured, and can proceed to the next process.

5. Using a forklift to transport sheep manure organic fertilizer to the production workshop, through a series of organic fertilizer equipment production processes, it is made into granular organic fertilizer and packaged into bags.

The processing equipment required to build an organic fertilizer factory is a production line composed of multiple equipment links. A set of organic fertilizer processing equipment is not a fixed number of equipment, but needs to be determined based on the on-site site and materials. For example, chicken manure has a high amount of moisture, and during fermentation, the moisture must be reduced. Corn cobs that are crushed with straw can be added, otherwise they cannot be made into particles; Sheep manure is relatively dry, and when fermenting, it can be directly granulated without the need for adding straw or other materials. The equipment used varies depending on the process. The higher the output, the larger the equipment model, and the prices of different configurations naturally vary. The complete set of organic fertilizer processing equipment mainly consists of fermentation system, drying system, deodorization and dust removal system, crushing system, ingredient system, mixing system, granulation system, and finished product packaging system.

How to use poultry manure and straw to ferment fertilizers in organic fertilizer production lines

With the continuous development of agricultural modernization, bio-organic fertilizer came into being, which played an important role in the protection and improvement of the soil environment. The application of organic fertilizer is very wide, and it can promote the growth of fruits, vegetables and crops. It can be said that organic fertilizer has become a major trend in the development of modern green agriculture. In the fertilizer production process, livestock and poultry manure, mushroom residue and crop straw are commonly used organic fertilizer raw materials.

So how to use livestock manure, mushroom residue and crop straw to ferment organic fertilizer?

The specific fermentation method is as follows:

First, the material ratio. Mix chicken manure, pig manure, mushroom residue, straw, dry soil powder, etc. in an appropriate ratio. About 3-4 tons of fresh manure plus 1 kg of organic fertilizer starter, the starter is diluted and evenly sprinkled into the manure pile and mixed evenly.

Second, build a pile of materials. Making the pile too small will affect the fermentation. The height of the pile should be 1.5 to 2 meters, the width is 2 to 3 meters, and the length is more than 3 meters, so that the fermentation effect is better.

Third, moisture requirements. The moisture of the fermentation material should be controlled at about 65%. Too high or too low is not conducive to fermentation, less water and slow fermentation; too much water, poor ventilation, slow heating, and produce odor. If the moisture is too high, add straw, mushroom residue, dry soil powder, etc. Whether the moisture is suitable, you can hold a handful of the material tightly, see the watermark on your fingers, but do not drip, and it will disperse when it hits the ground.

Fourth, turn over and ventilate. During the fermentation process, proper oxygen supply and dumping are required (the temperature rises to 75°C or above, and the stack must be tipped several times). The temperature of the stack is controlled at about 65°C. Excessive temperature has an impact on nutrients.

Fifth, fermentation is complete. Generally, the fermentation can be completed within 5-7 days, the material is dark brown, and the temperature drops to room temperature, indicating that the fermentation is complete.

In the fermentation process, the tool we generally use is a compost windrow turner. This organic fertilizer machine will greatly save time, improve efficiency, and create more benefits.

Types of humic acid fertilizer and organic fertilizer equipment

Humic acid fertilizer refers to the production of a large amount of humic acid, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and some trace elements required by crop growth and development by using different production methods of peat, lignite and weathered coal. Humic acid, as the raw material of organic fertilizer production equipment, plays an important role in agricultural production, such as stimulating crop growth, improving soil, increasing nutrients and strengthening soil microbial activities.

humic acid organic fertilizer

Varieties of humic acid fertilizer

1. Humic acid fertilizers can be divided into two categories: natural humic acid and artificial humic acid according to their sources. Among natural humic acids, they are divided into soil sodium humic acid (white) phytic acid, coal coal humic acid, Water humic acid and mold humic acid, etc. Humic acid can be made into solid particles by NPK fertilizer granulator.

2. Humic acid fertilizers can be divided into primary humic acid and regenerated humic acid (including humic acid in natural weathered coal and artificial oxidized coal) according to the production method.

3. Humic acid fertilizers can be classified into fulvic acid, brown fulvic acid and black fulvic acid according to their solubility and color in solvents. In the earlier literature, there were also names of grey fulvic acid, brown fulvic acid and green humic acid, which were actually separated from different solvents.

4. According to the natural binding state, humic acid fertilizer can be divided into free humic acid and (calcium, magnesium) combined humic acid. We provide humic acid processing equipment, disc granulator, grinder, dryer, etc.

5. Humic acid fertilizer can be divided into type A, type B (true humic acid), RP type and P type (immature humic acid) according to the humification degree of humic acid (such as absorption coefficient).

Common raw materials and granulation processes in organic fertilizer production lines

Organic fertilizer raw materials come from a wide range of sources, including livestock and poultry feces, fungal spore residue, distiller’s grains sludge, etc., which can be targeted as organic fertilizer raw materials. These raw materials used to be troublesome waste to handle, with relatively low acquisition prices, giving the finished organic fertilizer a greater profit margin. The organic fertilizer production equipment is centered around granulation equipment, producing finished granular organic fertilizers that enable effective recycling and utilization of fertilizers. The large amount of livestock and poultry manure generated by breeding farms is used to produce green organic fertilizer, which is returned to the fields for organic agriculture. Agricultural waste and fruits are fed to various livestock and poultry, forming a natural green biological chain and maintaining ecological balance.

Organic fertilizer processing equipment is a complete set of production equipment that produces natural organic fertilizers from organic rich raw materials such as animal manure and plant straw, after a series of processing treatments. Organic fertilizer is suitable for crops such as wheat, rice, peanuts, fruits and vegetables, which can improve crop quality and fruit quality, and is beneficial to human health. It is the best choice of fertilizer for pollution-free green food cultivation. The overall process can be divided into: raw material collection, raw material ratio, raw material moisture control, raw material fermentation, raw material crushing, raw material drying, granulation, and packaging into bags.

The organic fertilizer production line process required for producing animal manure organic fertilizer:

1. Raw material fermentation; 2. Automatic batching of raw materials using computer belt scales; 3. Dedicated organic fertilizer crusher and mixer; 4. The new type of organic fertilizer granulation machine is commonly known as drum granulation or extrusion granulation; 5. Drying organic fertilizer particles with a dryer; 6. Cooling machine for organic fertilizer particles; 7. The screening machine screens out qualified organic fertilizer particles; 8. Coating machine coating particles, smoother; 9. Packaging scale automatically fills organic fertilizer particles; 10. Sealing.

In this fast developing information age, organic fertilizer equipment needs to adapt to the competition and development of the market to adapt to better development, constantly accelerate the speed of upgrading, and also accelerate the production efficiency of enterprises, so that the organic fertilizer equipment of enterprises can be recognized by more users in the market, more applications in the development of agricultural ecology, and promote the development of green agriculture in China.

Process and working principle of a new type of organic fertilizer granulator

The working principle of the new organic fertilizer granulator: the new organic fertilizer granulator uses the high-speed rotating mechanical stirring force and the generated aerodynamic force to continuously realize the process of mixing, granulating, spheroidizing and densification of fine powder materials in the machine , So as to achieve the purpose of granulation. The particle shape is spherical, the sphericity is 0.7, the particle size is generally between 0.3-3mm, and the granulation rate is 90%. The particle diameter can be adjusted appropriately according to the mixing amount of the material and the spindle speed. The lower the mixing amount, the higher the rotation speed, the larger the particles Small, and vice versa. Scope of application: This machine is especially suitable for granulating light and fine powder materials. The finer the basic particles of the fine powder material, the higher the sphericity of the particles, and the better the quality of the particles. Typical application materials: chicken manure, pig manure, cow manure, charcoal, clay, kaolin, etc. In view of the particularity of organic fermented fertilizer and organic fertilizer raw materials such as livestock manure, manure, retting manure, green manure, sea manure, cake fertilizer, peat, soil miscellaneous fertilizer, three wastes, microorganisms and other municipal solid wastes, the particles are granules.

The qualified rate of granulation by this machine is as high as 80-90%, which is suitable for a variety of different formulations. The compressive strength of organic fertilizer is higher than that of discs and drums, and the ball rate is lower than 15%. The stepless speed regulation function of this machine can adjust the uniformity of particle size according to user requirements. This machine is suitable for the direct granulation of organic fertilizer after fermentation, saving drying process and greatly reducing production cost. Now this new type of organic fertilizer wet granulator is popular among users. The birth of new products, new production technology, energy saving and environmental protection are all trustworthy.

Contact us to learn more about organic fertilizer machine.

Disc granulator is suitable for granulation process of organic-inorganic compound fertilizer

In a complete fertilizer production line, granulation is the key process in the whole production process. The productivity of organic fertilizer granulator, the strength and shape of granule produced by the granulator directly affect the quality of the final product.

In many fertilizer production enterprises, the most used fertilizer granulation equipment are drum granulator, extrusion granulator and disc granulator. Among the three granulation methods, the disc granulator machine is more suitable for the granulation of organic-inorganic compound fertilizer, and the effect is ideal.

Disc granulator machine is mainly composed of granulation disc, spray system, transmission device, bracket and so on. During production, the powder raw materials are conveyed by the belt conveyor to the granulation disc in the disc granulator. The rotating disc with an inclination of 50° rotates the animal material. When the material is brought to a certain height, its own gravity and inertia Under the action of the force, it breaks away from the disc and slides down along the arc track to complete the rolling required for granulation. At the same time, the liquid injected by the spray system will be evenly sprayed on the rolling material to agglomerate into granules, thus completing The whole granulation process, according to the principles applied in this granulation process, we can call it agglomerate granulation process. With the continuous addition of raw materials, the manufactured particles fall across the edge of the disk under the action of centrifugal force and fall into the belt conveyor equipment below.

As a mature model, the disc granulator has experienced the test of various materials. However, any equipment has its advantages and disadvantages. In the face of different raw materials and production processes, there are also corresponding models. In the actual NPK fertilizer production line, the selection of granulation equipment suitable for materials can make the whole fertilizer production process play a maximum benefit.