How much profit is there from the production and processing of straw organic fertilizer?

Advantages of organic fertilizer manufacturing process in processing straw waste

1.Harmless treatment of agricultural waste and scientific and reasonable production. It can solve the problem of processing organic matter such as kitchen waste, weeds, straws, etc., realize the regeneration and utilization of waste organic resources, and realize waste reduction and resource treatment.

2. Organic fertilizer processing plant changed traditional compost into biological compost. At present, the treatment of livestock and poultry manure is relatively simple. Exposure to the sun or septic tank has strong odor, which is easy to attract flies and mosquitoes, and affect the environment and the physical and mental health of the masses. The project uses animal manure and straw to produce organic fertilizer, which can effectively solve the problems of soil, water and air pollution, and improve the living environment.

3. Convert straw waste into ecological organic fertilizer through biological fermentation technology. At present, agricultural straw returning to the field will cause air pollution during the combustion process. In this project, agricultural wastes such as straws can be made into organic fertilizer, and the compost turning machine can process the compost to achieve high-efficiency and high-quality fermentation. The decomposed organic fertilizer can be directly applied and is easily absorbed by crops. There is no discharge of waste water, odor and waste residue during the production process. At the same time, the project will play a very active role in avoiding stacks of firewood, reducing environmental pollution, and promoting the prohibition of straw burning, and can achieve good economic, ecological and social benefits.
Organic fertilizer processing plants have good benefits

We provide NPK fertilizer manufacturing process and organic fertilizer production equipment to meet the needs of fertilizer plants. Since the investment and construction of a factory that purchased our organic fertilizer equipment, the production of commercial organic fertilizer has been in short supply, and it has been favored by surrounding farmers. The nearby vegetable greenhouses, fruit tree tea gardens and other large planting bases have come here and signed many sales contracts.

Moreover, the organic fertilizer plant for a large number of surrounding customers to give preferential prices for sales, the implementation of a small profit and high sales business model, not only improve environmental pollution, provide convenient services for surrounding farmers, but also create great economic benefits for itself.

The working principle of organic fertilizer composting machine for fermenting organic fertilizer

The working principle of the organic fertilizer turning machine is mainly based on the principles of mechanical stirring and turning. The core part usually includes one or more rotating mixing arms (also known as flipping shafts), which are installed on the main body of the machine. Each mixing arm is equipped with a set of blades or teeth at the end, which can cut, crush, and flip materials when rotating.

When the fertilizer turning and stacking machine is started, the rotating mixing arm will pick up organic materials such as chicken manure from the bottom of the pile and throw them upwards, while flipping the materials above to the other side of the pile. This process is constantly repeated, causing the entire stack to be flipped and stirred, thereby achieving uniform mixing and ventilation.

In addition, some advanced fertilizer turners are equipped with adjustment mechanisms that can adjust the working height and angle of the mixing arm according to the size and shape of the pile to adapt to different fermentation stages and material characteristics. Some dumpers are also equipped with a spray system, which can spray water during the process of turning to adjust the humidity of the pile body to optimize fermentation conditions.

In short, the organic fertilizer turning machine achieves effective turning and stirring of organic materials such as chicken manure through the principle of mechanical turning, accelerates the fermentation process, and improves the production efficiency and quality of organic fertilizers.

Application of organic fertilizer turning machine in fertilizer production line

The organic fertilizer turning machine plays a crucial role in fertilizer production lines, mainly used in the fermentation process of organic materials. The specific applications are as follows:

Improve fermentation efficiency:

By mechanically flipping, the decomposition rate of organic materials is accelerated and the fermentation cycle is shortened.

Ensure thorough mixing of materials to promote microbial growth and metabolic activity.

Improve fermentation environment:

The organic fertilizer turning machine can increase the permeability of the pile during the turning process, preventing local oxygen deficiency or excessive moisture of the material.

By adjusting the flipping frequency and flipping depth, the temperature and humidity of the pile can be controlled to create a suitable fermentation environment.

Save human resources:

The automated flipping operation reduces the labor intensity of manual flipping and improves production efficiency.

Operators can monitor and manage the flipping process through the control system without directly participating in heavy physical labor.

Improving product quality:

Uniform stacking ensures the complete decomposition of organic matter, improving the quality and efficiency of organic fertilizers.

By controlling the fermentation process, organic fertilizers that meet the needs of different crops can be produced.

Realize resource utilization:

By fermenting agricultural waste, livestock manure, and other materials into organic fertilizers, the resource utilization of waste has been achieved.

Reducing dependence on chemical fertilizers is beneficial for sustainable agricultural development.

Adapt to production needs of different scales:

According to the size of the production scale, different models of organic fertilizer turning machines can be selected, and suitable equipment solutions can be found for everything from small family farms to large-scale commercial production.

Environmental protection and energy conservation:

The turning machine has low energy consumption during operation and can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which meets the production requirements of modern environmental protection and energy conservation.

Flexible operating mode:

The stacker can be used alone or combined with other equipment such as crushers, screening machines, etc. to form a complete production line, achieving continuous processing of materials.

Through the above applications, the organic fertilizer turning machine not only improves the production efficiency and product quality of organic fertilizers, but also helps promote the development of agricultural production towards a more environmentally friendly and sustainable direction.

Equipment process of drum screening machine in NPK fertilizer production line

In the manufacturing of NPK fertilizer, in addition to the drum granulator as the core of the production process, we also need drum screening machine, dryer, mixer, batching system and other equipment. What basic information should we know when using drum screen?

1. Screen material: the part of the material that fails to pass through the sieve hole after screening, which is usually a large piece of unqualified material.

2. Sieve residue: the part of the material passing through the sieve hole after screening, which is the qualified NPK fertilizer granules.

3. Screening efficiency: After the material is sieved, the percentage of the material under the sieve.

4. Screening accuracy: After the material is sieved, the percentage of the amount that meets the sieving particle size specification in the under-sieve will account for the total under-sieve.

5. Hole blocking rate: the percentage of the number of screen holes that are blocked to the total number of screen holes.

The larger the proportion of qualified fertilizer particles screened out by drum screen is, the better granulation effect and higher production efficiency of rotary drum granulator are. We provide different specifications of drum granulation equipment, suitable for a variety of materials granulation processing.

What are the benefits of using an organic fertilizer turning machine

The use of organic fertilizer turning machines has brought multiple benefits in the production of organic fertilizers:

Improve fermentation efficiency:

The organic fertilizer turning machine can quickly and evenly turn chicken manure, promote oxygen to enter the pile, accelerate microbial decomposition activity, and shorten the fermentation cycle.

Improving compost quality:

Regularly turning over the compost helps maintain its breathability and humidity, making the fermentation process more thorough and producing organic fertilizers of higher quality with more balanced nutritional content.

Reduce labor intensity:

The traditional manual turning method has a high labor intensity, while the use of organic fertilizer turning machines can significantly reduce the physical burden on workers and improve work efficiency.

Energy and cost savings:

Modern turntables usually adopt mechanized and automated operations, reducing labor costs and saving energy consumption during long-term operation.

Improve production safety:

Reducing direct human contact with organic materials such as chicken manure has lowered the potential health risks associated with such contact.

Environmentally friendly:

Through effective fermentation processes, odor and greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced, with minimal impact on the environment.

Flexibility and Scalability:

Many turntables are designed with good adaptability and can be adjusted or expanded according to changes in production scale to meet the needs of organic fertilizer production at different scales.

Efficient utilization of resources:

By optimizing the fermentation process, nutrients in chicken manure can be more effectively converted, reducing resource waste.

Improve product market competitiveness:

The stable quality of organic fertilizers produced is conducive to improving the competitiveness of products in the market and expanding sales channels.

Promote industrial upgrading:

Introducing advanced organic fertilizer turning machine technology can promote the development of the entire organic fertilizer industry towards automation and intelligence, and enhance the overall level of the industry.

The use of organic fertilizer turning machines can not only improve production efficiency and product quality, but also reduce production costs and environmental pollution. It is an indispensable and important equipment for modern organic fertilizer production.

What are the applicable scope of organic fertilizer compost turning machine for fermenting fertilizers

The organic fertilizer turning machine is suitable for the fermentation treatment of various types of organic materials, with a wide range of applications, mainly including:

Livestock and poultry manure:

Including cow manure, pig manure, chicken manure, etc., these are the most common organic fertilizer raw materials, suitable for fermentation treatment through organic fertilizer turntables.

Crop straw:

Plant residues such as wheat straw, corn straw, and rice straw can be used as raw materials for organic fertilizers.

Food processing waste:

Organic waste such as vegetable residue and molasses can be used as part of organic fertilizers after appropriate treatment.

Garden waste:

Garden waste such as leaves, branches, and grass clippings can be crushed and fermented to produce high-quality organic fertilizers.


Sludge from sewage treatment plants can also undergo anaerobic or aerobic fermentation through organic fertilizer turntables after appropriate pretreatment.

Other organic waste:

Industrial by-products such as distiller’s grains, monosodium glutamate residue, and sugar factory filter mud can all be used as raw materials for organic fertilizers.

Mixed organic materials:

Different types of organic materials can be mixed together and subjected to uniform fermentation treatment using an organic fertilizer turning machine to achieve the desired fermentation effect.

Large scale and small-scale farms:

Whether it is a large-scale breeding farm or a family farm, as long as there is sufficient organic material, an organic fertilizer turning machine can be used for fermentation treatment.

Organic fertilizer production line:

In the commercial production of organic fertilizers, the organic fertilizer turning machine is an indispensable key equipment in the production line, used to improve production efficiency and product quality.

Circular Agriculture and Sustainable Development:

In the context of promoting circular agriculture and sustainable development, organic fertilizer composting machines can help achieve the resource utilization of agricultural waste and reduce environmental pollution.

By using organic fertilizer composting machines, the fermentation process of organic materials can be effectively promoted, the decomposition rate can be accelerated, the nutritional value can be improved, and the negative impact on the environment can be reduced, achieving sustainable utilization of resources.

The important role of organic fertilizer production line in processing fertilizers for crops

 1. In the actual agricultural production, the utilization rate of chemical fertilizer is only 30% – 45%. Some of the lost chemical fertilizers are released into the atmosphere, some of them are lost with the water and soil flow, and some of them are fixed in the soil and can not be directly absorbed and used by plants. Moreover, it will cause adverse consequences such as soil salinization and hardening. When we apply organic fertilizer, its beneficial biological activities can improve the soil structure, increase the soil’s ability to retain water and fertilizer, thereby reducing the loss of nutrients. Coupled with the effect of organic matter beneficial microorganisms to dissolve phosphorus and potassium, the effective utilization rate of fertilizer can be increased to more than 50%. The application of organic fertilizer manufacturing process is becoming more and more extensive.

2. Organic fertilizer can increase crop yield and improve the quality of agricultural products. Under the condition of the same nutrient elements, the effect of organic fertilizer is better than that of chemical fertilizer when it is used as base fertilizer. When applied as topdressing, the effect of fully decomposed organic fertilizer is often better than that of chemical fertilizer, especially in improving the quality of agricultural products. Therefore, in the organic fertilizer manufacturing process, adding organic fertilizer into raw materials is more effective.

3. Organic fertilizer can promote the growth of soil microorganism and strengthen the absorption and utilization of crops. Organic fertilizer contains a lot of organic matter, which is a place for the growth and reproduction of various microorganisms. The organic matter of organic fertilizer can also produce various phenols, vitamins, enzymes, auxin and hormone like substances in the process of decomposition, which can promote the growth of crop roots and the absorption of nutrients.

4. Reduce nutrient fixation and improve nutrient availability. Organic fertilizer contains a lot of organic acids, humic acids and other hydroxyl substances, which have strong chelating capacity, can chelate with many metal elements to form chelates, which can prevent the soil from fixing these nutrients and failure. For example, organic acids and other chelates in organic fertilizer can chelate aluminum ions with high activity in soil, prevent the combination of aluminum and phosphorus to form closed storage phosphorus which is difficult to be absorbed by crops, and greatly improve the content of available phosphorus in soil.

What kind of organic fertilizer is best for fermenting chicken manure with a compost turning machine

There are several commonly used organic fertilizer composting machines for fermenting chicken manure, including the following:

Wheel type organic fertilizer turning machine:

Suitable for the flipping operation in the fermentation process of chicken manure, it has the advantages of simple structure, convenient operation, and low maintenance cost.

According to the size and shape of the fermentation site, different models of wheeled stackers can be selected.

Chain type organic fertilizer turning machine:

Suitable for large-scale chicken manure fermentation production lines, it can achieve continuous flipping operations and improve production efficiency.

Chain type flipping machines are usually equipped with automatic control systems that can accurately control the depth and time of flipping.

Spiral organic fertilizer turning machine:

Suitable for chicken manure fermentation processes that require high precision in flipping, it can achieve precise flipping and ensure uniform fermentation.

Spiral stacker usually has a compact structure and occupies a small area.

Self propelled organic fertilizer turning machine:

Suitable for situations that require mobile operations, it can freely move between different fermentation areas, flexible and convenient.

Self propelled stacker cranes are usually equipped with a power system that can drive themselves forward and backward.

Hydraulic organic fertilizer turning machine:

Suitable for situations that require heavy lifting, such as when chicken manure is piled up thick.

Hydraulic turning machines are usually equipped with hydraulic systems that can provide strong turning force.

When choosing a stacker, the following factors should be considered:

The size and shape of the fermentation site.

The fermentation cycle and flipping frequency of chicken manure.

The working efficiency and energy consumption of the equipment.

The reliability and durability of the equipment.

The maintenance and operation costs of the equipment.

According to actual needs and budget, you can choose the most suitable type of organic fertilizer compost turning machine for yourself. Before purchasing, it is recommended to conduct on-site testing to verify whether the performance of the equipment meets the requirements.

Equipment process and working principle of organic fertilizer turning machine

The organic fertilizer turning machine is mainly composed of a frame, transmission device, turning device, and walking device. Its working principle is as follows:


As the supporting structure of the organic fertilizer turning machine, it carries all the components and materials.


Including motors, gearboxes, and sprockets, responsible for providing power and transmitting torque.

The motor reduces the high-speed rotating power to an appropriate speed through the gearbox, driving the sprocket to rotate.

Stacking device:

It consists of a series of interlocking sprockets and a tipping shovel hanging on the sprockets.

The sprocket rotates under the drive of the transmission device, driving the flipping shovel to move up and down, achieving the flipping function.

Walking device:

Including wheels and a walking mechanism, the organic fertilizer turning machine can move within the working area.

According to the design of the stacker, the walking device can be tire type or track type to adapt to different working environments.

working principle:

After the organic fertilizer turning machine is started, the motor drives the gearbox and sprocket to rotate, and the sprocket drives the turning shovel to move up and down.

The tipping shovel picks up organic materials from the bottom of the pile during its ascent and throws them onto the other side of the pile during its descent.

This process is constantly repeated to achieve the flipping and mixing of organic materials, promote microbial decomposition activities, and accelerate the maturation process of organic fertilizers.

Control system:

Modern organic fertilizer turning machines are usually equipped with advanced control systems that can set parameters such as turning frequency, speed, and depth according to process requirements.

The control system can be manual or automatic, and an automatic control system can improve work efficiency and flipping quality.

Through this working principle, the organic fertilizer turning machine can efficiently turn over organic materials, improve fermentation conditions, and enhance the quality of organic fertilizers.

Why do organic fertilizer production lines use fertilizer dryers to process granular fertilizers?

 The granular organic fertilizer manufacturing process includes fermentation, crushing, mixing, granulation, drying and other processes. The production process of NPK fertilizer is similar. So after the granulation of the granular fertilizer production line, why should it be dried?
1. Fertilizer dryers increase the strength of the particles

There is no strict regulation on the strength of fertilizer granules. However, in the process of fertilizer commercialization, the particles with low strength are unfavorable to the transportation of commercialized packaging boxes. In the process of transportation, the low strength will increase the damage rate of particles. Therefore, in order to meet the needs of commercialization, in the manufacturing of NPK fertilizer, granular fertilizer also needs to be dried after molding.

2. Fertilizer dryer can extend the storage period of pellets

As a commercial granular fertilizer, it takes time to store the fertilizer from packaging to application of crops. This requires the preservation of the fertilizer as long as possible without reducing the nutrients of the fertilizer. The loss of nutrients is often due to volatilization and reduced particle strength. After the fertilizer is dried, the storage and transportation period of the particles can be effectively extended.3. Fertilizer dryer can reduce the moisture of particles

The water content of the fertilizer raw materials is relatively high. Although the water content of the material has been reduced during the preliminary fermentation, smashing and mixing, and transportation, it is only reduced to the water content required for processing particles. According to the water content of the standard fertilizer ( Free water) should be ≤30%. The particles processed by the NPK fertilizer granulator have a moisture content between 20% and 40% according to the characteristics of the material. In order to meet the standard, drying and drying are indispensable.

Through the above three points, we can see the importance of fertilizer dryer. After granulation of common NPK fertilizer manufacturing process, drying process is realized by using dryer and cooler.