In which industries are roller extrusion granulators applied

Due to its unique granulation principle and wide applicability, the roller extrusion granulator has been applied in multiple industries, especially in fields that require the conversion of powder or wet materials into granular products. Here are some of the main application industries:

Agriculture and fertilizer industry: Roll extrusion granulators are widely used in the production of organic fertilizers, biological fertilizers, and compound fertilizers. It can convert livestock manure, crop residues, urban organic waste and other raw materials into high-quality granular fertilizers, improving the efficiency of fertilizer storage, transportation and application.

Feed industry: In the production of animal feed and aquatic feed, roll extrusion granulators can mix various nutrients and additives with basic feed materials and extrude them into pellets to improve the nutrient absorption rate of feed and the digestion and absorption efficiency of animals.

Chemical industry: Roll extrusion granulators are used for granulation of chemical products, such as catalysts, dyes, plastic raw materials, fertilizers, etc., to improve product stability and effectiveness through granulation.

Pharmaceutical industry: In the pharmaceutical field, roller extrusion granulators are used for granulation of pharmaceutical intermediates and tablet raw materials, which can improve the flowability of materials and facilitate subsequent tablet pressing and packaging.

Environmental protection industry: Roll extrusion granulators are also used in the treatment of sludge, industrial waste, and urban organic waste, converting these wastes into resource products such as solid fuels or biochar.

Food industry: In some food processing processes, roller extrusion granulators are used to produce granular food, such as instant Congee, condiments, etc., to improve the preservation performance and eating convenience of food.

Mining and metallurgical industries: In some mineral processing and metal powder forming, roller extrusion granulators are used to produce metal particles, alloy powders, etc., in order to improve the formability and performance of materials.

Building materials industry: Roll extrusion granulators are also used in the production of ceramic raw materials, refractory material particles, etc., to improve the formability and sintering effect of materials through granulation.

New energy industry: In the production of new energy materials, such as granulation of positive and negative electrode materials for lithium-ion batteries, roller extrusion granulators can improve the electrochemical and processing properties of materials.

Research and Laboratory: Roll extrusion granulators are used in research institutions and laboratories for the development and performance testing of new materials, providing granular samples for further experimentation and analysis.

The roller extrusion granulator plays an important role in the above-mentioned industries and other fields that require the conversion of powder or wet materials into granular products due to its high efficiency, flexibility, and wide applicability.

Organic fertilizer equipment produces fertilizers to promote the healthy development of agriculture

Organic fertilizer equipment plays a crucial role in the production of fertilizers and has an undeniable impact on promoting healthy agricultural development. Here are several key aspects of how organic fertilizer equipment can promote healthy agricultural development:

Waste resource utilization: Organic fertilizer equipment can convert various agricultural wastes (such as livestock manure, crop straw, food processing residues, etc.) and urban organic waste into organic fertilizers, realizing the resource utilization of waste, reducing environmental pollution, and also reducing agriculture’s dependence on chemical fertilizers.

Improving soil quality: Organic fertilizers are rich in organic matter, which can improve soil structure, increase soil water and fertilizer retention capacity, and enhance soil biological activity. This helps to restore and maintain soil health, provide a good growth environment for crops, and reduce soil degradation and fertility decline.

Promoting healthy crop growth: The bioactive substances such as microorganisms, amino acids, and enzymes in organic fertilizers can promote the development of crop roots, enhance crop stress resistance and pest resistance, and improve crop yield and quality. Meanwhile, the slow release characteristics of organic fertilizers contribute to the long-term stable acquisition of nutrients by crops.

Reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides: By using organic fertilizers, dependence on chemical fertilizers and pesticides can be reduced, the negative impact of agriculture on the environment can be minimized, chemical residues in food can be reduced, and the safety and nutritional value of agricultural products can be improved.

Promoting sustainable agricultural development: The use of organic fertilizer equipment helps to build a circular agricultural system, promote the recycling of agricultural waste, reduce resource waste, and achieve sustainable agricultural production. Meanwhile, the organic agriculture model helps to protect biodiversity and maintain ecological balance.

Enhancing the competitiveness of agricultural products in the market: With consumers’ pursuit of health, environmental protection, and sustainable lifestyles, the market demand for organic and green food continues to grow. Agricultural products produced using organic fertilizers often have higher market value and competitiveness due to their higher safety and quality.

Policy and market support: Globally, governments and international organizations are continuously increasing their support for organic agriculture and organic fertilizer production. By providing policy incentives, financial support, technical training, and other means, the development of organic agriculture is encouraged, creating favorable conditions for the promotion and application of organic fertilizer equipment.

In summary, organic fertilizer equipment plays an important role in promoting healthy agricultural development, environmental protection, food safety, and sustainable agricultural development. Through technological innovation and policy guidance, the production and application of organic fertilizers will be further expanded, making important contributions to the green transformation and healthy sustainable development of global agriculture.

What is the fermentation working principle of the organic fertilizer turning machine

The working principle of the organic fertilizer turning machine is mainly based on promoting ventilation, mixing, and temperature control during the fermentation process of organic materials to accelerate the decomposition and transformation of organic matter, ultimately producing high-quality organic fertilizers. The specific working principle is as follows:

Ventilation and oxygen supply: The fermentation process is the result of microbial activity, and microorganisms require oxygen for aerobic respiration. The organic fertilizer turning machine can increase the ventilation of compost materials by turning them, ensuring even distribution of oxygen, promoting the growth and activity of aerobic microorganisms, and accelerating the decomposition of organic matter.

Temperature control: During the fermentation process, microbial activity releases a large amount of heat, leading to an increase in compost temperature. The flipping machine can help dissipate heat while flipping materials, avoid local overheating, and ensure uniform temperature, which is beneficial for maintaining the optimal fermentation temperature (usually between 50-65 ° C) to promote microbial activity and rapid decomposition of organic matter.

Mixing and Homogenization: The organic fertilizer turning machine can fully mix different components (such as different types of organic waste, auxiliary materials, moisture, etc.) in the compost material, ensuring that the composition of the entire compost pile is uniform, which is conducive to the uniform distribution of microorganisms, improving fermentation efficiency and the quality of the final fertilizer.

Crushing and loosening: During the flipping process, the special design of the flipping machine can crush large organic materials, making them easier for microorganisms to decompose. Meanwhile, by loosening the material, the structure of the compost pile can be improved, further enhancing ventilation and uniformity of moisture distribution.

Degradation of harmful substances: During the fermentation process, the turning of the organic fertilizer turning machine helps promote the degradation of potential harmful substances (such as pathogens, weed seeds, etc.) in organic materials by microorganisms. Through high temperature and microbial activity, these harmful substances can be effectively killed, improving the safety of fertilizers.

Accelerating the fermentation cycle: By improving ventilation, temperature control, and material mixing, the turner can significantly accelerate the fermentation cycle of organic materials, shorten the conversion time from waste to finished fertilizers, and improve production efficiency.

The organic fertilizer turning machine, based on the above working principle, can not only effectively treat and transform various organic wastes, but also control and optimize the fermentation process, generating high-quality organic fertilizers rich in organic matter and balanced in nutrients. It plays an important role in promoting sustainable agricultural development and environmental protection.

What are the benefits of using a chicken manure organic fertilizer turning machine for the environment

The use of chicken manure organic fertilizer turning machine has multiple positive impacts on environmental protection in the production process of organic fertilizers:

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions: Chicken manure is prone to produce greenhouse gases such as methane during natural accumulation and fermentation, especially under closed or semi closed conditions. The use of a stacker can improve ventilation conditions, promote oxygen supply, and make the fermentation process more inclined towards aerobic fermentation, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions such as methane.

Reduce ammonia and hydrogen sulfide emissions: Organic waste such as chicken manure can produce harmful gases such as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide during the fermentation process, which not only pollute the environment but may also pose a threat to human health. By improving the ventilation conditions of the materials, the turning machine can reduce the production of these harmful gases. At the same time, the microbial activity during the turning process helps to decompose these harmful substances, further reducing emissions.

Reduce water pollution: Untreated chicken manure contains a large amount of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus, and direct discharge into the environment can easily cause eutrophication of water bodies and damage the aquatic ecology. By using a composting machine for organic fertilizer production, the nutrients in chicken manure can be fixed in the fertilizer, reducing its pollution to water bodies.

Promoting resource recycling: Chicken manure is processed into organic fertilizer through an organic fertilizer turning machine, which can replace some chemical fertilizers and reduce environmental pollution during the production process of chemical fertilizers. At the same time, the organic matter and nutrients in chicken manure are converted into fertilizers beneficial to crops, achieving resource recycling.

Reduce the accumulation of solid waste: If organic waste such as chicken manure is not properly treated, it will form a large amount of solid waste, occupy land resources, and easily produce leachate during the accumulation process, causing pollution to groundwater. By using a composting machine, these wastes can be converted into organic fertilizers, reducing the accumulation of solid waste and its impact on the environment.

Promoting biodiversity: The use of organic fertilizers can improve soil structure, enhance soil biological activity, promote the growth of microorganisms and soil animals, thereby contributing to the protection and restoration of biodiversity.

Reduce energy consumption and carbon footprint: Compared with the production of chemical fertilizers, the production process of organic fertilizers consumes less energy, especially when using machinery such as turntables for organic fertilizer production, which can reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions.

In summary, the use of chicken manure organic fertilizer turning machine can not only effectively treat organic waste such as chicken manure, reduce environmental pollution, but also promote the recycling of resources, which is of great significance for environmental protection and sustainable agricultural development.

What are the benefits of using organic fertilizer equipment to produce organic fertilizers

The use of organic fertilizer equipment to produce organic fertilizers brings multiple benefits, mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Resource recycling: Organic fertilizer equipment can convert agricultural waste (such as livestock manure, crop straw, etc.) and urban organic waste into organic fertilizers, achieving resource recycling, reducing environmental pollution caused by waste, and providing abundant sources of organic matter for agricultural production.

Improving soil structure and fertility: Organic fertilizers are rich in organic matter and can significantly improve soil structure, enhance soil water retention and permeability, and increase soil aggregate stability. Long term use of organic fertilizers can improve soil fertility, promote soil microbial activity, and enhance soil biological activity.

Promoting healthy crop growth: Beneficial microorganisms, enzymes, vitamins and other bioactive substances in organic fertilizers can promote the growth of crop roots, enhance crop stress resistance and pest resistance, reduce dependence on chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and thus improve crop yield and quality.

Reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides: Organic fertilizers can replace some chemical fertilizers, reduce the amount of chemical fertilizers used, decrease agriculture’s dependence on chemicals, and reduce the residue of chemicals in soil and water bodies, which is beneficial for environmental protection and food safety.

Improving the quality of agricultural products: Agricultural products produced using organic fertilizers have lower chemical residues and higher safety due to reduced use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. They often have better taste and nutritional value, meeting consumers’ needs for healthy and green food.

Promoting sustainable agricultural development: The use of organic fertilizers helps reduce dependence on non renewable resources, promote the recycling of agricultural waste, build a circular agricultural system, achieve sustainable agricultural production, and contribute to long-term agricultural ecological balance and resource protection.

Economic benefits: Although the production cost of organic fertilizers may be higher than chemical fertilizers, long-term use of organic fertilizers can improve soil fertility, reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and produce higher quality agricultural products, thus having long-term advantages in economic benefits.

Policy support: Many countries and regions have introduced policies to encourage organic agriculture and the use of organic fertilizers, such as subsidies and tax incentives, in order to promote sustainable agricultural development and reduce dependence on chemical fertilizers, providing a favorable policy environment for the construction and operation of organic fertilizer equipment.

In summary, using organic fertilizer equipment to produce organic fertilizers can not only achieve resource recycling, improve soil quality and crop health, reduce the impact of agriculture on the environment, but also promote sustainable development of agriculture, improve the quality and market competitiveness of agricultural products, and is an important component of modern agricultural green transformation.

How to process waste into fertilizer using an organic fertilizer turning machine

The organic fertilizer turning machine usually follows the following steps in the process of processing waste and turning it into fertilizer:

Material preparation:

Firstly, collect organic waste that needs to be processed, such as livestock manure, crop straw, food processing waste, etc.

Adjusting the moisture content of materials generally requires a moisture content between 40% and 60% to promote microbial activity and fermentation efficiency.

Additional materials such as dry straw, sawdust, rice husk, etc. can be added to adjust the carbon nitrogen ratio of the materials, improve ventilation, and accelerate the fermentation process.

Preliminary composting:

Stack the prepared materials into a certain shape, usually in the form of a bar or cone, to facilitate the operation of the flipping machine.

Starting the natural fermentation process, microorganisms will decompose organic matter, generate heat, and increase the temperature of compost.

Pile flipping operation:

The use of an organic fertilizer turning machine to turn compost is crucial for promoting oxygen supply, uniform temperature distribution, material mixing, and microbial activity.

The compost turning machine uses its unique bucket or blade to lift the compost from the bottom, flip the internal materials to the surface, and at the same time, flip the surface materials into the interior to promote uniform fermentation.

The flipping process should be carried out regularly according to the temperature, humidity, and fermentation status of the materials, usually every 3-7 days until fermentation is complete.

Fermentation process control:

Monitor the temperature of compost. During the early stages of fermentation, the temperature will rapidly rise to 50-65 ° C, which helps to kill pathogens and weed seeds.

Control the moisture and ventilation of compost to maintain suitable fermentation conditions and avoid the formation of anaerobic environments.

Adjust the shape and size of compost to meet the fermentation needs of different stages.

Fermentation completion and post-treatment:

When the temperature of compost begins to stabilize or decrease, and the material becomes dry and loose, it indicates that the fermentation process is basically completed.

The fermented organic fertilizer needs to be further screened to remove large impurities, and then dried and stored as necessary to prevent secondary fermentation or mold growth.

According to the needs, fertilizers can be further processed, such as granulation and packaging, to enhance their market value and ease of use.

Through the treatment of organic fertilizer turning machine, waste is effectively converted into organic fertilizers rich in organic matter and nutrients, which not only realizes the resource utilization of waste, but also promotes soil health and sustainable development of agriculture. Throughout the entire process, scientific management and operation are crucial for ensuring the quality and fermentation efficiency of fertilizers.

Equipment advantages and characteristics of chicken manure organic fertilizer turning machine

The chicken manure organic fertilizer turning machine is one of the key equipment in organic fertilizer production, mainly used for turning and ventilation during the fermentation process of organic materials such as chicken manure, to promote microbial activity and accelerate the decomposition and transformation of organic matter. The following are the equipment advantages and characteristics of the chicken manure organic fertilizer turning machine:

Promoting fermentation: The organic fertilizer turning machine can effectively turn the compost material, distribute oxygen evenly inside the material, promote the growth of aerobic microorganisms, accelerate the fermentation process of organic materials such as chicken manure, and improve fermentation efficiency and quality.

Temperature control: The flipping process helps to control the temperature of the fermentation pile, avoid local overheating, prevent material burning or the production of harmful substances, and promote temperature uniformity, which is beneficial for the uniform distribution and activity of microorganisms.

Uniform mixing: The organic fertilizer turning machine can mix different components of materials evenly, including added microbial agents, auxiliary materials (such as straw, sawdust, etc.), and water, ensuring that the composition of the entire compost pile is consistent and improving the uniformity of the fertilizer.

Improving aeration: By flipping the compost, the aeration of compost materials can be improved, preventing the formation of anaerobic environments, reducing the production of harmful gases, and facilitating oxygen supplementation, promoting aerobic fermentation.

Space saving: Compared with traditional static composting, using an organic fertilizer turning machine can make the composting process more compact, reduce the footprint, and is particularly suitable for production environments with scarce land resources.

High degree of automation: Modern flipping machines are usually equipped with automatic control systems, which can achieve functions such as timed flipping and temperature monitoring, reducing manual operations and improving production efficiency.

Strong adaptability: The organic fertilizer turning machine can handle different types of organic materials, including chicken manure, cow manure, pig manure, crop straw, etc., with strong adaptability and flexibility.

Low maintenance cost: The structure of the flipping machine is relatively simple, with low operation and maintenance costs, suitable for long-term stable operation.

Environmental protection and energy conservation: The energy consumption during the operation of the stacker is relatively low, and it helps to reduce the emission of odorous gases during the fermentation process, which meets the requirements of environmental protection and energy conservation and emission reduction.

Improving fertilizer quality: Through effective composting and fermentation control, high-quality organic fertilizers with high organic matter content, balanced nutrients, and thorough harmless treatment can be produced, improving crop yield and quality.

In summary, the chicken manure organic fertilizer turning machine plays an important role in organic fertilizer production. Its high efficiency, automation, environmental protection, and improved fertilizer quality make it an indispensable equipment for modern organic fertilizer production.

The advantages of organic fertilizer equipment in processing fertilizers compared to chemical fertilizers

Compared with chemical fertilizers, organic fertilizers processed by organic fertilizer equipment have multiple advantages, mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Environmentally friendly: Organic fertilizers are made from natural organic substances (such as animal and plant residues, livestock and poultry manure, etc.) that have been biodegraded and do not contain synthetic chemicals, resulting in minimal pollution to the environment. The use of organic fertilizers can reduce the potential pollution of chemical fertilizers on soil, water sources, and the atmosphere.

Improving soil structure: Organic fertilizers are rich in organic matter and can significantly improve the physical structure of soil, enhance the stability of soil aggregates, increase soil water retention and permeability, thereby providing a healthier growth environment for plants.

Improving soil fertility: Microorganisms, enzymes, and other bioactive substances in organic fertilizers can activate nutrient elements in the soil, enhancing its biological activity and fertility. Long term use of organic fertilizers can gradually restore and improve the natural fertility of the soil.

Promoting crop health: Beneficial microorganisms in organic fertilizers can promote the growth of crop roots, enhance crop stress resistance and pest resistance, reduce crop dependence on chemical pesticides, and thus improve crop yield and quality.

Comprehensive nutritional content: Compared with chemical fertilizers, organic fertilizers not only provide a large amount of elements required by plants (such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), but also contain trace elements, organic acids, vitamins, etc., which can provide more comprehensive nutrition and promote balanced crop growth.

Reducing chemical residues: Agricultural products produced using organic fertilizers processed by organic fertilizer equipment have lower levels of chemical residues due to reduced use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, improving the safety and nutritional value of agricultural products.

Promoting sustainable agricultural development: The use of organic fertilizers helps reduce dependence on chemical fertilizers, promote the recycling of agricultural waste, build a circular agricultural system, and achieve sustainability in agricultural production.

Economic value: Although the initial investment and production costs of organic fertilizers may be high, in the long run, they have long-term economic advantages due to their ability to improve soil fertility, reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and produce higher quality agricultural products.

Ecological balance: The use of organic fertilizers processed by organic fertilizer equipment helps protect biodiversity, maintain ecological balance, and promote the health and stability of ecosystems.

In summary, organic fertilizers processed by organic fertilizer equipment have significant advantages in promoting soil health, crop growth, environmental protection, and sustainable agricultural development, and are an important driving force for modern agriculture to transform towards green and environmentally friendly directions.

What are the common application scenarios for organic fertilizer compost turners

Organic fertilizer turners have a wide range of application scenarios in multiple fields due to their high efficiency, flexibility, and versatility. The following are some common application scenarios of organic fertilizer turning machines:

Agricultural waste treatment: In animal husbandry and agriculture, organic fertilizer turners are commonly used to treat livestock and poultry manure (such as chicken manure, cow manure, pig manure, etc.), crop straw, rice husks, fruit peels, sugarcane bagasse and other agricultural waste, converting them into organic fertilizers to achieve resource recycling and reduce environmental pollution.

Urban organic waste treatment: Kitchen waste, garden waste (such as fallen leaves and tree branches), food processing waste, etc. generated in the city can be converted into organic fertilizer through an organic fertilizer turning machine for urban greening, parks, and home gardening, promoting urban ecological balance.

Industrial organic waste treatment: Organic waste generated in industries such as food processing, brewing, and papermaking, such as distillers’ grains, fruit residues, sludge, etc., can be processed using an organic fertilizer turning machine and converted into organic fertilizers to achieve the resource utilization of industrial waste.

Organic fertilizer production plant: Professional organic fertilizer production plants will use organic fertilizer turning machines to process organic raw materials on a large scale, produce standardized and high-quality organic fertilizers, and meet the market’s demand for organic fertilizers.

Ecological restoration projects: In ecological restoration projects such as mine reclamation, saline alkali land improvement, and polluted soil remediation, organic fertilizer turners can process organic waste, generate organic fertilizers, and use them to improve soil structure, promote vegetation restoration, and ecological reconstruction.

Horticulture and Landscape Greening: In horticulture and landscape greening projects, organic fertilizer turners can process trimmed branches, leaves, etc., convert them into organic fertilizers, and use them for plant nutrition supply, promoting healthy plant growth.

Home and Community Composting: In some households and communities, small organic fertilizer turning machines can be used to process household kitchen waste and gardening waste, generate organic fertilizers, and achieve resource recycling in households and communities.

Research and Education: In agricultural research institutions and education fields, organic fertilizer turning machines can be used to study the production technology, fermentation process, and microbiological principles of organic fertilizers, as well as teaching experiments, to help students and researchers understand the preparation process and application of organic fertilizers.

Sludge treatment in sewage treatment plants: The sludge generated during the sewage treatment process contains abundant organic matter, which can be converted into organic fertilizers through the treatment of organic fertilizer turners, achieving the resource utilization of sludge and reducing its impact on the environment.

Through the above application scenarios, it can be seen that the organic fertilizer turning machine plays an important role in promoting the resource utilization of organic waste, environmental protection, sustainable agricultural development, and ecological restoration.

The advantages of roller extrusion granulator compared to other granulator equipment

The roller extrusion granulator has unique advantages in the production of organic fertilizers and other granular products. Compared with other types of granulators such as disc granulators, drum granulators, and ring mold granulators, the roller extrusion granulator exhibits significant advantages in the following aspects:

1. Efficient material adaptability

Handling high humidity materials: Roll extrusion granulators can effectively handle materials with high moisture content, while other granulators may require drying of the materials first, which increases energy consumption and costs.

Suitable for fine powder materials: The roller extrusion granulator has a good granulation effect on fine powder materials, and can extrude powdered materials into tight particles. However, the disc granulator and drum granulator may produce more dust and fine powder when processing fine powder materials.

2. Low energy consumption and environmental protection

Low energy consumption: The roller extrusion granulator does not require additional heating or drying processes during the granulation process, so the energy consumption is relatively low and more environmentally friendly.

Pollution free: As the granulation process is carried out at room temperature, it does not produce harmful gases and is environmentally friendly.

3. Controllable particle shape

Adjustable shape and size: By adjusting the shape and gap of the rollers, particles of different shapes and sizes can be produced to meet the needs of different products.

High particle strength: The particles produced by the roller extrusion granulator have high mechanical strength, are not easily broken, and are conducive to packaging and transportation.

4. Easy to operate and low maintenance cost

Easy to operate: The structure of the roller extrusion granulator is relatively simple, and the operation and maintenance are relatively easy, reducing production costs.

Low maintenance cost: Due to its simple structure and fewer wear parts, the maintenance cost is relatively low.

5. Suitable for small batch and customized production

High flexibility: The roller extrusion granulator can be quickly adjusted according to production needs, suitable for small batch and customized production, and suitable for R&D and small-scale production environments.

6. Wide applicability

Multi industry application: The roller extrusion granulator is not only suitable for organic fertilizer production, but also for various industries such as feed, chemical, pharmaceutical, etc., with wide applicability.


Due to its high efficiency in processing high humidity and fine powder materials, as well as advantages such as low energy consumption, environmental protection, controllable particle shape, easy operation, and low maintenance costs, the roller extrusion granulator has demonstrated significant competitive advantages in the production of organic fertilizers and other granular products. When choosing a granulator, the performance and characteristics of various granulators should be comprehensively considered based on the specific material characteristics and production needs, in order to achieve the best production effect.