What are the complete sets of organic manure production equipment?

The organic manure production equipment mainly includes the following types:

Fermentation and flipping machine: used for the fermentation and flipping of materials, promoting the decomposition and maturation of organic matter.

Organic fertilizer crusher: Crush the fermented organic fertilizer to a certain particle size, facilitating subsequent granulation and packaging.

Drum screening machine: used to screen the crushed organic fertilizer, remove impurities and impurities, and improve the quality of the fertilizer.

Horizontal mixer: Mix the screened organic fertilizer to ensure even composition and improve fertilizer efficiency.

Disc granulator: Granulates the mixed organic fertilizer into particles of a certain shape, making it convenient for subsequent packaging and use.

Rotary dryer: used to dry the prepared particles, remove moisture from them, improve the stability and shelf life of fertilizers.

Packaging machine: Packaging the dried organic fertilizer to give it a certain appearance and quality, making it convenient for storage and sales.

In addition, depending on the production scale and level of automation, other equipment may also be required, such as conveyors, belt conveyors, bucket elevators, etc., for material transportation and lifting. At the same time, in order to ensure the hygiene and environmental protection of the production environment, it may also be necessary to equip deodorization and dust removal equipment.

It should be noted that the above equipment is only common organic fertilizer production equipment, and the specific equipment configuration and selection need to be selected and adjusted according to the actual situation. Meanwhile, when using equipment, it is also necessary to comply with relevant operating procedures and safety regulations to ensure the safety and stability of production.

What are the annual production lines for 10000 tons of granular organic fertilizer?

With the increasing development of agricultural production, the demand for organic fertilizers is also increasing. As a form of convenient transportation and use, granular organic fertilizer has become an essential part of modern agricultural production. To meet market demand, an annual 10000 tons of granular organic fertilizer production line has become a popular choice. So what factors need to be considered when building such a production line?

Firstly, a complete annual production line of 10000 tons of granular organic fertilizer requires an advanced and stable granulation equipment. Granulation is the process of processing organic matter in raw materials to form granular organic fertilizers. When selecting granulation equipment, factors such as equipment capacity, energy consumption, and granulation effect need to be considered. Common granulation equipment includes horizontal new organic fertilizer granulators, drum granulators, etc. By optimizing design and adjusting process parameters, high production capacity and low energy consumption granulation effects can be achieved.

Secondly, in order to ensure the quality and stability of organic fertilizers, an advanced processing technology is required in the organic fertilizer production line. In processing technology, it generally includes multiple stages such as organic raw material treatment, fermentation, dehydration, drying, and crushing. Each step requires strict control of parameters such as temperature, humidity, and pH value to ensure the quality and effectiveness of fermentation. Meanwhile, the processing technology also needs to consider the rational utilization of resources and environmental protection, such as selecting energy-saving equipment and reducing wastewater discharge.

In addition, the supply and storage of raw materials need to be considered in the organic fertilizer production line. The raw materials for organic fertilizer can be crop straw, livestock manure, etc. The supply and storage of these raw materials are crucial for the normal operation of the production line. When selecting raw material suppliers, it is necessary to consider the quality, price, and supply stability of the raw materials. Meanwhile, when storing raw materials, it is necessary to have appropriate storage capacity and conditions, such as sealed storage, moisture-proof ventilation, etc.

In addition, management and operation are also important factors that affect the efficiency of production lines. The management of production lines involves production planning, personnel arrangement, equipment maintenance, and other aspects. Reasonably arrange production plans to avoid situations of overproduction or underproduction; Reasonably arrange personnel to ensure the stable operation of the production line; Regular maintenance and upkeep of equipment to extend its service life. During the operation process, it is also necessary to closely monitor market demand and dynamics, and adjust the production capacity and variety of the production line in a timely manner.

In summary, the construction of an annual10000 tons of granular organic fertilizer production line involves multiple aspects such as granulation equipment, processing technology, raw material supply and storage, as well as management and operation. Through scientific and reasonable design and operation, it is possible to achieve high production capacity and good stability in organic fertilizer production. For agricultural production and environmental protection, such production lines will play an important driving role.

The Important Role of Fertilizer Composter in the Production of Sheep Manure Organic Fertilizer

Function of windrow turning machine in the fermentation process of sheep manure:

The large-scale production of organic fertilizer with organic wastes (such as sheep manure) as raw materials usually has two stages: the first stage is rapid fermentation stage, and the second stage is post maturity or aging stage.

When the aerobic composting production is in the first stage, the soluble organic matter in the material will be oxidized into simple inorganic matter through the metabolic activities of microorganisms, and release energy to provide the required energy for the activities of microorganisms, so that the organism can grow and reproduce normally and produce high temperature. It is called high temperature composting.

At this stage, the material must contain enough oxygen required by the microorganisms. Therefore, turning the material over to make it loose and air-permeable to increase the oxygen content in the material is a necessary process for composting fermentation. The compost turning machine replaces manual operations, which improves efficiency, ensures the quality of turning piles, and reduces labor costs.

Huaqiang organic fertilizer manufacturing line equipment factory provides fermentation turning machine, self-propelled windrow turner machine, small compost turning machine, chicken manure turning machine, cow manure turner machine, sheep manure turning and throwing machine, pig manure turning machine.

What does the simplest small-scale organic fertilizer production line include

The simplest small-scale organic fertilizer production line usually includes the following types of equipment:

Fermentation equipment: used for composting and stacking, effectively mixing viscous stored feces with microbial agents and straw powder. This equipment not only has a fast fermentation rate, but also effectively prevents the generation of harmful odorous gases during the fermentation process, which meets environmental protection requirements.

Organic fertilizer crusher: used to better crush fermented materials and lay a solid foundation for the next process.

Organic fertilizer mixer: used for mixing formula fertilizers and adding various substances such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, humic acid, etc.

Granulator: mainly used for granulation, mixed materials are uniformly fed into the granulator through a conveyor for deep granulation.

Drying machine: mainly plays a role in volatile material moisture. Due to the large amount of water in the granulation process of the granulator, the particles cannot be immediately packaged after production and require drying equipment to evaporate water.

Cooling machine: Due to the high temperature of the dry material, the particles cannot be immediately packaged, and the material temperature needs to be quickly reduced to a constant temperature through the cooler.

Screening machine: mainly used for separation, distinguishing finished particles from inferior products, and returning defective products for granulation.

Automatic packaging machine: mainly plays the role of automatic packaging, weighing, and sewing.

The above equipment may vary depending on the configuration and scale of the production line, but they are all basic components of small-scale organic fertilizer production lines. When selecting equipment, factors such as raw material characteristics, production needs, and budget should be considered.

Which organic fertilizer crusher is effective in fertilizer production lines?

When choosing an organic fertilizer crusher, consideration should be given to the humidity and fiber content of the crushed material, as well as the type and function of the crusher. The following are several recommended types of organic fertilizer crushers:

Semi wet organic fertilizer crusher: suitable for crushing organic raw materials with a humidity not exceeding 50%, and can be directly used for the production of organic fertilizers.

Vertical organic fertilizer crusher: With a simple structure and convenient operation, it is suitable for crushing raw materials such as biomass and can improve the degradation rate of organic fertilizers.

Silent organic fertilizer crusher: Low noise, suitable for use in small organic fertilizer processing plants, using advanced vibration reduction technology to make operation smoother and extend service life.

Semi wet material crusher: adopts a two-stage rotor with upper and lower stages for crushing, suitable for crushing materials with a moisture content of 30% -60%, such as poultry manure, crop straw, etc. The particle size after crushing can reach 20-30 mesh, meeting the feed particle size requirements of organic fertilizer granulation equipment.

Vertical crusher: has a high adaptability to the moisture content of materials, suitable for crushing materials with a moisture content of 50%, especially suitable for humus, soil like clumped materials, etc.

Straw crusher: mainly used for cutting and processing crop straw, suitable for the pre-treatment stage before organic fertilizer fermentation, helping to accelerate fermentation speed.

Chain crusher: mainly used in the crushing and recycling process of larger granular fertilizers after granulation, suitable for crushing without blocks, with high crushing particle size.

Cage crusher: mainly used for fine crushing operations, it also plays a role in mixing evenly during crushing, suitable for brittle materials, especially suitable for the dispersion of powder after agglomeration.

When selecting a suitable crusher, consideration should be given to the specific type of crushed material and processing requirements to ensure crushing efficiency and economy.

The process of fermenting organic fertilizer using a small-scale organic fertilizer composting machine

Garbage is a very common thing in people’s lives, such as leftovers from farmers’ markets, dead branches and leaves in urban parks, various animal excrement, various straws, etc. These things are low in price and have even brought many negative effects on our living environment. But you know what? Garbage can also be made into organic fertilizer. We can make full use of these “garbage” and ferment them into organic fertilizer with fertilizer fermenter.The small windrow turning machine is the main machine in the bio organic fertilizer manufacturing line. It is designed to walk four wheels, which is operated by one person and can move forward, backward and turn.
During the driving, the whole vehicle is piled on the long strip fertilizer machine before riding. The rotary knife is hung under the machine to mix, fluffy and pile the raw materials of the fertilizer machine. After passing the vehicle, a new strip stacking will be formed, which can be carried out in the open space or in the workshop shed.

A major technological breakthrough of the compost windrow turning machine lies in the integration of the crushing function of the material in the later stage of fermentation. With the gradual dehydration of the material, a knife with a crushing device can be installed to effectively crush the plates formed during the fermentation process of the fertilizer.

The small windrow turning machine not only saves the crushing work before the fermentation material treatment, but also greatly improves the efficiency of grinding, reduces the production cost of organic fertilizer, and fundamentally solves the problem of the restriction of the pulverizer.

Construction plan and process for building a small organic fertilizer factory

Building a small organic fertilizer factory requires consideration of multiple aspects, including site selection, production line design, equipment selection, environmental protection measures, etc. Here is a rough construction plan for your reference:

Site selection: Choose a site closer to the breeding farm, with convenient transportation and relatively quiet environment. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the site meets environmental requirements, has a good drainage system and ventilation conditions.

Production line design: Determine the scale and process flow of the fertilizer production line based on market demand and raw material sources. Generally speaking, small organic fertilizer factories can adopt simple process flows, such as raw material crushing, mixing, fermentation, drying, screening, and other steps.

Equipment selection: Select appropriate equipment based on the fertilizer production line‘s process flow. Equipment selection should consider factors such as performance, durability, and ease of maintenance. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the equipment meets environmental requirements and reduce the discharge of pollutants such as exhaust gas and wastewater.

Raw material source: Determine the source of raw materials, which can be nearby farms, agricultural waste, etc. To ensure the stable quality of raw materials and avoid using materials containing harmful substances such as heavy metals and pesticides.

Environmental protection measures: During the construction process, attention should be paid to environmental protection measures, such as building closed fermentation workshops, installing dust removal equipment, and constructing wastewater treatment facilities, to ensure that pollutants such as exhaust gas and wastewater in the production process are effectively treated.

Personnel training: Organic fertilizer production requires certain technical and management experience, so it is necessary to provide relevant training to employees to improve their skills and management level.

Market promotion: After completing the construction of the fertilizer production line, market promotion should be carried out to expand product awareness and increase sales volume. It can be promoted through various channels, such as the internet, exhibitions, advertisements, etc.

In short, building a small organic fertilizer factory requires comprehensive consideration of multiple aspects to ensure the stable operation of the production line and product quality, while also paying attention to environmental protection and sustainable development.

How much does the entire set of equipment for making organic fertilizers cost per set

The price of equipment for producing organic fertilizer varies depending on factors such as equipment type, brand, quality, and scale. Generally speaking, the price of a complete set of organic fertilizer production equipment may range from hundreds of thousands to millions of yuan. The following are some main equipment for producing organic fertilizers and their approximate price range:

Fermentation equipment: including slot type tipping machines, disc type tipping machines, forklift fermentation tipping machines, fermentation tanks, track type tipping machines, etc., with prices generally ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Crushing equipment: such as vertical crushers, semi wet material crushers, cage crushers, straw crushers, urea crushers, etc., with prices generally ranging from several thousand to tens of thousands of yuan.

Mixing equipment: such as dual shaft mixers, horizontal mixers, BB fertilizer mixers, single shaft horizontal mixers, etc., with prices generally ranging from thousands to tens of thousands of yuan.

Granulation equipment: such as flat mold granulator, round throwing machine, roller extrusion granulator, toothed granulator, disc granulator, etc., with prices generally ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Screening equipment: such as fully enclosed screening machines, vibrating screening machines, drum screening machines, etc., with prices generally ranging from thousands to tens of thousands of yuan.

In addition to the main equipment mentioned above, some auxiliary equipment such as conveyors, packaging machines, automatic control systems, etc. are also required, and the prices of these equipment may vary depending on factors such as brand, specifications, and quality.

It should be noted that when purchasing organic fertilizer production equipment, appropriate equipment should be selected based on actual production needs and scale, and attention should be paid to the quality, performance, durability, and after-sales service of the equipment to ensure stable and standard organic fertilizer quality, and achieve the dual goals of economic benefits and environmental protection.

Process characteristics of producing cow manure organic fertilizer using fertilizer granulator

Cow dung is a kind of cold fertilizer, and cattle are herbivores. The protein content of cow dung is less, and the grass fiber is more. It is very suitable to be applied in the field with serious soil texture damage, which can increase the permeability of the soil and increase the soil nutrition. It is an economic and reasonable production mode to treat cow dung with organic fertilizer manufacturing line.

With the continuous development of agricultural modernization, the role of organic fertilizer in agricultural production has been paid more and more attention. The agricultural products grown with organic fertilizer have good taste, which can effectively maintain the unique nutrition and taste of fruits and vegetables. At the same time, it also plays an important role in the protection and improvement of soil environment. Nowadays, the role of organic fertilizer in agricultural production is gradually recognized by the masses. There are also more and more enterprises combined with the manufacturing process of organic fertilizer, processing waste to make organic fertilizer.

Classification of NPK fertilizer granulator for cow dung: it is mainly divided into disc organic fertilizer granulator, flat die pellet mill, ring die organic fertilizer pelletizer, drum granulator, roller press granulator, etc.

The organic fertilizer produced by the cow manure organic fertilizer granulator has comprehensive nutrition and strong nutrition. Changing the composition of the soil and applying organic fertilizer can accelerate the decomposition and transformation of organic matter, so as to quickly increase the content of soil organic matter and alleviate the degree of soil salinization. At the same time, it has a good root maintenance effect and is conducive to crop growth.

At present, our company has successfully launched a 10,000-200,000-ton cow manure organic fertilizer manufacturing line, as well as BB fertilizer and a complete set of NPK fertilizer manufacturing process equipment, which can be adapted to various types of production.

What equipment is equipped for an annual production line of 30000 to 50000 tons of mixed fertilizer

The equipment required for an annual production line of 30000 to 50000 tons of mixed fertilizers mainly includes raw material storage equipment, batching equipment, mixing equipment, packaging equipment, and control systems.

Raw material storage equipment: including raw material silos, storage tanks, etc., used to store various raw materials required for production, such as nitrogen fertilizer, phosphorus fertilizer, potassium fertilizer, trace elements, etc.

Ingredients equipment: According to the production formula, various raw materials are batched in a certain proportion. Common batching equipment includes electronic scales, automatic batching machines, etc.

Mixing equipment: Mix the prepared raw materials to ensure uniform distribution of various components. Common mixing equipment includes horizontal mixers, vertical mixers, etc.

Packaging equipment: Package the mixed fertilizer for storage and transportation. Common packaging equipment includes automatic packaging machines, sealing machines, etc.

Control system: Automatically control the entire production line, including the transportation, batching, mixing, packaging, and other processes of raw materials. Control systems can improve production efficiency, reduce labor costs, and ensure product quality.

In addition, according to production needs, some auxiliary equipment can also be equipped, such as conveyor belts, dust collectors, iron removers, etc., to ensure the smooth operation of the fertilizer production line and stable product quality.

It should be noted that the specific equipment configuration needs to be selected and adjusted according to the actual situation of the production line to ensure the stability and economy of the fertilizer production line.