Cost and benefits of organic fertilizer equipment for fecal processing

The price of manure processing organic fertilizer equipment varies due to differences in scale, equipment configuration, and process requirements. Generally speaking, the investment in small-scale organic fertilizer production lines may range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of yuan, while the investment in large-scale production lines may reach millions of yuan. This includes equipment such as organic fertilizer flippers, animal manure crushers, conveyors, horizontal mixers, organic fertilizer granulators, screening machines, weighing and packaging machines, etc.

As for whether one can make money, it mainly depends on the comprehensive influence of multiple factors, including but not limited to the following aspects:

Raw material costs: The cost of obtaining, processing, and transporting feces will directly affect the production cost of organic fertilizers.

Market demand: The market demand and price level of organic fertilizers will directly affect the sales revenue and profit of organic fertilizers.

Production efficiency: The performance of equipment, the rationality of processes, and the scale of production all affect production efficiency, which in turn affects costs and profits.

Policy environment: The government’s policy support for environmental protection, agriculture, and other fields will also have an impact on the development of the organic fertilizer industry.

Therefore, it is not possible to simply provide a definitive answer to determine whether manure processing organic fertilizer equipment can make money. Before making an investment decision, it is necessary to conduct sufficient market research, technical evaluation, and economic analysis to ensure the rationality of the investment decision. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to preventing market and technological risks to ensure the long-term stable development of the project.

Equipment and process of organic fertilizer production line for distiller’s grains processing

The production process of bio organic fertilizer is mainly divided into fermentation of organic materials and granulation. The main raw materials are animal manure, domestic waste, dead branches and rotten leaves, biogas residue, waste bacteria, etc. Food processing industry produces a lot of waste, which is a good raw material of organic fertilizer. Here we take distiller’s grains as the main raw material to produce organic fertilizer by high temperature fermentation through organic fertilizer production line.

Sludge, distiller’s grains and composting agent were mixed and composted in different proportions, and went through heating, high temperature and cooling periods. The water content decreased continuously, while the contents of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and humic acid increased gradually. The compost material changed from yellow brown to brown, black brown or black. Among them. The ratio of distiller’s grains to sludge was 2:1 (C: n ≈ 25:1). The results showed that 65% of water content and pH 6.5 had the fastest maturity and the best fertilizer quality. It meets the quality standard of organic fertilizer.

When 50% organic fertilizer and 50% chemical fertilizer are applied together (based on nitrogen), the raw materials can be mixed and granulated by rotary drum granulator in the processing stage. The yield, grain nitrogen content and plant phosphorus and potassium uptake of sorghum were higher than those of chemical fertilizer. The activities of soil available nitrogen, phosphatase, urease and dehydrogenase also increased significantly. Therefore, appropriate amount of sludge and distiller’s grains should be mixed, and microbial agents should be added. The organic fertilizer produced by high temperature fermentation meets the standard. The yield of sorghum, plant nutrition and soil enzyme activity were significantly increased by the application of chemical fertilizer.

In the organic fertilizer and NPK fertilizer manufacturing process, we will encounter various problems, such as the temperature of organic fertilizer fermentation, the construction of organic fertilizer fermentation site, the size requirements of organic fertilizer fermentation tank, and the selection of organic fertilizer fermentation litter. Fermentation is an important link in the processing of organic fertilizers. Only by properly checking can we make high-quality granular fertilizers.

How does an organic fertilizer composter produce organic fertilizer from chicken manure?

Chicken manure organic fertilizer manufacturing process, the raw materials used include: dry chicken manure 45-50%, fermentation bacteria, cake fertilizer, mud fertilizer, sterilization and deodorant. Biological fermentation and ordinary fermentation are used to produce chicken manure bio-organic fertilizer. The product obtained by the organic fertilizer manufacturing process is a kind of chicken manure bio-organic fertilizer. After application, it can greatly increase the production of food, economy, vegetables, fruits and other crops, improve the quality of agricultural products, and improve crop properties. Environmentally safe and non-toxic, it is a new type of environmentally friendly fertilizer.

The characteristics of chicken manure organic fertilizer are as follows:

1、 Chicken manure contains a lot of organic matter because of its short digestive tract. Chicken manure is used as organic fertilizer, which has good fertilizer utilization rate and high nutritional value.

2. In the process of chicken manure fermentation, adding straw and other carbon materials, and using the compost turning machine to process the materials, not only improves the air permeability of organic fertilizer, but also increases the content of C, which is great for crop production and carbon cycle. s help.

3. The temperature rises rapidly during the fermentation process of chicken manure compost to reach the nutrient level of organic fertilizer without adding fungicides and nutrients.

The organic fertilizer production line equipment produces bio organic fertilizer by composting to improve the nutrients required by crops. The organic fertilizer produced by the composting technology introduced by the organic fertilizer production line equipment manufacturer is fermented by biological bacteria. The organic fertilizer after fermentation and crushing contains certain inorganic nutrients, a large amount of organic matter and trace elements, Therefore, this bio organic fertilizer is especially suitable for horticultural crops and soil with long-term application of chemical fertilizer.

What are the complete NPK fertilizer production line processing equipment available

The complete set of NPK fertilizer production line manufacturing and processing equipment mainly includes the following categories:

Fermentation equipment: This type of equipment is mainly used for the fermentation process of raw materials, such as fermentation flipping machines, which can flip the materials during the fermentation process, provide sufficient oxygen and control temperature, making the fermentation of raw materials more uniform and sufficient.

Crushing equipment: such as an organic fertilizer crusher, used to finely crush fermented materials, making the size and state of the materials uniform.

Mixing equipment: such as a mixer, used for stirring and mixing various raw materials to ensure the uniformity of the raw materials.

Granulation equipment: such as a toothed granulator or a disc granulator, etc., which produces uniformly sized granular fertilizers from crushed materials.

Drying and cooling equipment: such as drum dryers and cooling machines, used to dry and cool the made granular fertilizer, increase its strength, and facilitate later storage and transportation.

Screening equipment: such as a drum screening machine, used to screen the particles after granulation, and screen out the unqualified particles (too large or too small) for further processing.

Packaging equipment: such as an automatic packaging machine, used to package the finished fertilizer particles and complete the entire processing process.

In addition, depending on the specific production process and raw materials, other auxiliary equipment may be required, such as belt conveyors, coating machines, etc. These devices each play an important role in the fertilizer manufacturing and processing process, jointly ensuring the quality and production efficiency of fertilizers.

Please note that the specific selection and configuration of processing equipment for the entire NPK fertilizer production line need to be comprehensively considered based on factors such as production scale, types of raw materials, and product requirements. When purchasing equipment, it is recommended to consult professional fertilizer production equipment suppliers or manufacturers for more detailed information and customized solutions.

Different types of compound fertilizers processed on NPK fertilizer production lines

Compound fertilizers can be divided into low-concentration (total nutrients ≥ 25%), medium-concentration (total nutrients ≥ 30%) and high-concentration (total nutrients ≥ 40%) compound fertilizers according to the total nutrient content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. According to its NPK fertilizer manufacturing process and processing method, it can be divided into compound fertilizer, compound fertilizer and blended fertilizer. Now let the fertilizer equipment manufacturer popularize it for you.

1. Compound fertilizer. It is a kind of ready-made simple fertilizer (such as urea, ammonium phosphate, potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, calcium superphosphate, ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride, etc.) as raw materials, supplemented by additives, which is prepared, mixed and granulated by rotary drum granulator according to certain formula. At present, most of the compound fertilizers on the market are of this kind.
2. Mixed fertilizer. Also known as formula fertilizer, BB fertilizer, it is composed of more than two kinds of similar particle size of simple fertilizer or compound fertilizer as raw materials, according to a certain proportion, through simple mechanical mixing, is a mixture of various raw materials. This kind of fertilizer is generally mixed and used by farmers according to the soil nutrient status and crop needs.

3. NPK fertilizer. Fertilizer made by chemical reaction alone and containing two or more elements of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It has fixed molecular formula and fixed nutrient content and proportion. Such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate, potassium nitrate, monoammonium phosphate, diammonium phosphate, etc.

How to remove moisture from fertilizer during granulation using an organic fertilizer granulator

One of the important storage methods of organic fertilizer is that the storage place must be dry to avoid caking caused by high moisture and humidity. So the use of organic fertilizer granulator equipment processing out of chicken manure moisture, how to do? Let’s see how to deal with it.

(1) Organic fertilizer dryer: that is to say, we often use organic fertilizer dryer to dry. It uses heat energy to heat materials and gasify moisture in materials. To remove the moisture in the material needs to consume a certain amount of heat energy. Usually, air is used to dry the material. The air is heated in advance and sent to the dryer to transfer the heat to the material. The moisture in the material is gasified to form water vapor, which is carried out of the dryer with the air. The rotary drum granulator granulates the fertilizer, and the material is heated and dried to remove the combined moisture in the material, so as to achieve the required moisture content of the product or raw material.

(2) Solid-liquid separator: The mechanical dehydration method squeezes out part of the water by pressurizing the material. Commonly used methods include pressing, sedimentation, filtration, and centrifugal separation. The mechanical dehydration method can only remove part of the free moisture in the material, and the combined moisture remains in the material. Therefore, the moisture content of the material after mechanical dehydration is still high, generally 40-60%. However, mechanical dehydration is an economical method.

(3) Hygroscopic agent: It uses hygroscopic agent to remove a small amount of moisture in gas, liquid and solid materials. Due to the limited dehumidification capacity of hygroscopic agent, it is only used to remove trace moisture in materials. Therefore, it is less used in fertilizer production line.

The process and supporting equipment of the compound microbial fertilizer production line

The process and supporting equipment of the compound microbial fertilizer production line are as follows:

Process of compound microbial fertilizer production line:

Raw material ingredients: Prepare urea, ammonium nitrate, ammonium chloride, ammonium sulfate, ammonium phosphate (monoammonium phosphate, diammonium phosphate, heavy calcium, superphosphate), potassium chloride (potassium sulfate) and other raw materials in a certain proportion. This ratio is determined based on market demand and soil testing results in various regions.

Raw material mixing: Mix the prepared raw materials evenly to improve the overall uniform fertilizer efficiency of the fertilizer particles.

Raw material granulation: The evenly stirred raw materials are fed into a granulator for granulation. Here, you can choose between a drum granulator or an extrusion granulator.

Particle drying: Feed the fertilizer granules made by the granulator into the dryer to dry the moisture contained in the granules, increase their strength, and facilitate storage.

Particle cooling: The temperature of the dried fertilizer particles is too high and prone to clumping, so cooling is necessary for easy bagging, storage, and transportation.

Particle classification: The cooled particles are classified, and the unqualified particles are crushed and re granulated to screen out the qualified products.

Finished product coating: Coating qualified products to increase the brightness and roundness of the particles.

Supporting equipment for compound microbial fertilizer production line:

Ingredients equipment: used to mix various raw materials according to the set proportion.

Mixer: used to evenly mix the prepared raw materials.

Granulator: It can be a drum granulator or an extrusion granulator, used to make uniformly stirred raw materials into particles.

Drying machine: used to dry the granulated particles and remove excess moisture.

Cooling machine: used to cool the dried particles and prevent clumping.

Grading screen: used to classify cooled particles and screen out unqualified particles.

Coating machine: used for coating qualified products, increasing the brightness and roundness of particles.

Automatic packaging machine: used to automatically package wrapped products for easy storage and transportation.

The above is the production process and supporting equipment of composite microbial fertilizer. It should be noted that the specific equipment configuration may vary due to factors such as production process, raw material characteristics, and production scale. Therefore, in the actual production process, it is necessary to choose and adjust according to specific circumstances.

Rotary Drum Granulator improves the appearance of organic fertilizer production line products

The main function of organic fertilizer production line is to treat livestock manure and crop straw, so that these materials can not pollute our living environment, which is the use of organic fertilizer processing equipment.

If organic fertilizer processing equipment manufacturers want to develop the organic fertilizer production line in a good direction, they need to improve the quality of organic fertilizer equipment and improve the appearance and use effect of organic fertilizer products. In this way, the organic fertilizer production line can satisfy the users with good quality, and can cooperate for a long time.

The quality of the equipment itself is the foundation if the company wants to develop in a good direction, and only by laying the foundation can it take a step forward. The particle rounding machine is based on the NPK fertilizer granulator, which greatly improves the practical effect of organic fertilizer particles.

The practical effect of the organic fertilizer particle shaping machine is very strong, and it has the following characteristics:

1. The fertilizer output is high, and it can be used with one or several fertilizer granulators at the same time, which solves the complicated process, large equipment investment, and multiple equipment caused by the past that a fertilizer granulator must be equipped with a rounding machine. Disadvantages such as inconsistent quality of finished products.

2. The machine is composed of two or more throwing cylinders arranged in sequence. The materials are discharged from the discharge port after being rounded for many times. The finished product has the same particle size, large density, roundness and smoothness, and high yield.

3. The appearance of organic fertilizer particles is beautiful, and the equipment structure is simple, safe and reliable.

4. The organic fertilizer machine is easy to operate and maintain, and can be operated according to the instructions. Anti overload ability, can adapt to all kinds of environment work.

5. The raw materials after fermentation can directly produce spherical granular organic fertilizer without drying, which does not need frequent manual operation.

The benefits of applying organic fertilizers processed on greenhouse production lines

 In the greenhouse production process, attention should be paid to fertilization and soil improvement. For most soils, the basic measure for improvement is to apply a large amount of organic fertilizer made by NPK fertilizer granulator. The main effects of organic fertilizer on soil improvement are as follows:

1. Provide more comprehensive nutrition. Organic fertilizer is a complete fertilizer, which contains nutrients and various beneficial elements needed by crops, and has a comprehensive nutritional ratio. Many plants can directly absorb and utilize many nutrients. Therefore, the more organic fertilizer is applied, the more balanced the soil nutrient ratio is, the more favorable it is for crops to absorb and utilize soil nutrients, and the more certain nutrient elements in soil are increased.

2. Organic fertilizer can improve soil structure and form micro aggregates. Microaggregate has a strong ability to absorb and store water and nutrients, release and transform, so as to improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil, and improve the buffering capacity and fertilizer supply capacity of the soil.

3. Organic fertilizer can form humus in the soil. Not only can crops be directly nourished, but humus is condensed on the surface of mineral particles in the form of plastic film, and the formation of water-soluble and insoluble complexes or chelate complexes with various metal ions controls the effectiveness of trace elements.

4. Organic fertilizer can provide essential nutrients to crops slowly and evenly. Its nutrients slowly dissolve, and it is not easy to cause concentration damage. Only manufacturing of npk fertilizer are not enough to produce, and excessive application of chemical fertilizers can easily cause salt concentration barriers.

5. The organic fertilizer production line improves soil fertility and water retention capacity. All organic fertilizers have strong cation substitution ability, can absorb more potassium, ammonium, magnesium, zinc and other nutrients to prevent leaching and improve soil fertilizer retention capacity, especially mature organic fertilizers. The greenhouse is a closed or semi-closed facility with good air tightness. During the decomposition process of organic fertilizer, a large amount of carbon dioxide will be released, which is not easy to escape. It has become an important source of raw materials for plant photosynthesis.

Practice has shown that the application of organic fertilizer not only has high yield and good quality, but also has mild disease.

The process flow of fertilizer production line for producing organic bacterial fertilizer

1、 Raw materials

The raw materials for organic bacterial fertilizer mainly include animal manure, rice straw, sawdust, soybean cake, etc. Among them, animal manure is the most commonly used raw material in organic bacterial fertilizers. In addition, the production of organic bacterial fertilizer also requires the addition of auxiliary raw materials such as bacterial strains and bacterial strains.

2、 Fermentation

The fertilizer production line for producing organic bacterial fertilizer needs to achieve the effect of bacteria, fungi and other fungi decomposing raw materials through the fermentation process. Fermentation can be divided into two stages: initial fermentation and later fermentation.

1. Initial fermentation: Mix the raw materials and bacterial strains, add an appropriate amount of water and oxygen for mixing, and place them in a well ventilated area for stacking fermentation. The fermentation temperature during this stage is generally around 40 degrees Celsius.

2. Late stage fermentation: After the initial fermentation, the raw materials are further processed by flipping and adding water to gradually increase the temperature to 60-70 degrees Celsius, undergo sterilization treatment, and increase the production of bacteria and other fungi. Ensuring an increase in fermentation temperature can ensure the quality of organic bacterial fertilizer production.

3、 Processing

After fermentation, the organic bacterial fertilizer needs to be sorted, combined, and packaged. Qualified organic bacterial fertilizer should have no odor, a dark color, strong fertility, and be able to maintain long-lasting fertilizer efficiency.

4、 Storage

The organic bacterial fertilizer produced needs to be stored in a well ventilated and dry environment, and should not be affected by direct sunlight, humidity and other environmental factors. At the same time, oxygen and humidity monitoring should be done well to ensure that the quality of organic bacterial fertilizer is not damaged.

To summarize, the fertilizer production line process of organic bacterial fertilizer includes several links such as raw material selection, fermentation, processing, and storage. Among them, fermentation is a crucial step that requires the introduction of appropriate fungi and the control of temperature and other factors to ensure product quality. At the same time, providing more environmentally friendly and healthy fertilizers to growers is a contribution to our environment.