The reasons why fertilizer granulators are prone to water shortage during fertilizer processing

It is necessary to combine with marketing and design art to obtain the position of market competitiveness through the equipment design of organic fertilizer production line. As an organic fertilizer production equipment enterprise, we need to work in a differentiated way according to our own product characteristics and consumer demand.

1. Organic fertilizer equipment enterprises must analyze the characteristics of similar products of main competitors in the market, improve their own strategic adjustment according to the equipment of main competitors, and provide special granulating equipment for different materials.

2. Investigate consumer demand for organic fertilizer equipment and produce organic fertilizer granulator that meet mainstream customers.

3. Train R&D technicians who perfect the organic fertilizer production line. Only continuous innovation can be invincible.

Granulating equipment is mainly granulated, granulated, extruded, spray dried and granulated. At the same time, the granulator needs a certain amount of water when it is running.

Do you know the reason why fertilizer granulator processing equipment needs water?

In the production process of fertilizer granulator, the material is required to have viscosity. When some raw materials are loose after fermentation and are not easy to granulate, it is necessary to add some water or adhesive to increase the viscosity of the material.

The disc granulator and rotary drum granulator of organic fertilizer equipment adopt the granulation method. In the process of granulation, water or binder will be added to ensure the smooth granulation of materials. If the water content of the material is too high, you can add some dry materials to neutralize the water content. If the water content is too low, appropriate amount of water can be added to facilitate granulation.

Organic fertilizer processing equipment granulator equipment to add water is to promote the organic fertilizer can be better granulation, water solubility of materials, cohesiveness and the reasonable application of granulation equipment operation will also affect the uniformity of shaped particles, organic fertilizer granulator want to granulation uniform, need certain water and equipment operation skills.

The granulation process and advantages of a specialized organic fertilizer granulator for chicken manure

The specialized organic fertilizer granulator for chicken manure is mainly used to granulate organic materials such as chicken manure for storage, transportation, and use. This granulator can continuously mix, granulate, spheroidize, and compact fine powder materials, thereby achieving the goal of granulation.

The working principle of the organic fertilizer pelletizer for chicken manure is mainly to use the high-speed rotating mechanical stirring force and the resulting aerodynamic force to continuously mix and granulate fine powder materials in the machine. The particle shape is spherical, with a particle size generally between 0.3 and 3 millimeters, and a high particle formation rate.

The granulation process of organic fertilizer granulator for chicken manure

Fermentation: First, collect raw materials such as chicken manure and rice straw, mix them to make compost and ferment.

Crushing and Mixing Ingredients: Compost materials and other inorganic fertilizers are crushed, batched, and mixed through material crushers and mixers.

Granulation: Using a specialized organic fertilizer granulator to make particles from fully mixed materials.

Drying: Further remove moisture from particles through a dryer to meet the standard requirements for moisture content in organic fertilizers.

Cooling: Use a cooler to cool granular materials for storage and transportation purposes.

Screening and packaging: Screen particles, remove unqualified particles, and package qualified particles.

The price of organic fertilizer pelletizers for chicken manure varies depending on factors such as model, brand, and production capacity. According to publicly available information, the price range may range from a few thousand yuan to several hundred thousand yuan. The above information may change over time. Please consult and confirm with the device provider in detail before purchasing. At the same time, when selecting equipment, multiple factors such as production capacity, equipment quality, and after-sales service should be considered to ensure the purchase of a suitable organic fertilizer granulator for chicken manure.

Planning and characteristics of an annual production line for 30000 tons of cow manure organic fertilizer

The annual production line of 30000 tons of cow manure organic fertilizer is a medium-sized production line aimed at converting cow manure into high-quality organic fertilizer. The following is a detailed plan and characteristics of the production line:

1. Scale and production capacity of an annual production line for 30000 to 50000 tons of cow manure organic fertilizer

Scale: Belongs to a medium-sized organic fertilizer production line.

Production capacity: The designed annual output is 30000 to 50000 tons of cow manure organic fertilizer.

2. Process flow of an annual production line of 30000 to 50000 tons of cow manure organic fertilizer

Raw material preparation and pretreatment: Collect cow manure and conduct preliminary crushing and screening to remove large blocks of substances and foreign impurities.

Fermentation and composting: By adding specialized fermentation agents and controlling appropriate fermentation conditions (such as temperature and humidity), organic matter decomposition is accelerated while killing pathogens and pest eggs. This stage is the key to converting cow manure into high-quality organic fertilizer.

Granulation and drying: The fermented cow manure material enters the granulation process and is processed into uniform particles using an organic fertilizer granulator. Subsequently, the particles are dried using drying equipment to reduce moisture content and ensure product stability and quality.

Cooling, screening, and packaging: The dried particles are cooled to prevent quality issues caused by high temperatures. The screening process removes non-conforming particles to ensure product consistency. Finally, the granular organic fertilizer is packaged using an automated packaging machine to form the final product.

3. Investment and return on an annual production line of 30000 to 50000 tons of cow manure organic fertilizer

Investment: The investment cost may vary depending on the scale and configuration of the organic fertilizer production line. But it usually includes expenses such as equipment procurement, site leasing or construction, raw material procurement, labor, etc.

Reward: By selling cow manure organic fertilizer, economic returns can be achieved. The specific return cycle and profit margin depend on factors such as market demand, sales prices, and operating costs.

4. Precautions for an annual production line of 30000 to 50000 tons of cow manure organic fertilizer

Market analysis: Conduct thorough market research before investing to understand the local demand, competition, and potential sales channels for cow manure organic fertilizer.

Technical support: Select equipment suppliers and manufacturers with technical strength and rich experience to ensure the smooth operation of the production line and product quality.

Environmental requirements: Ensure that the production line complies with local environmental regulations and standards to avoid pollution to the environment.

Operation management: Establish a sound operation management system, including raw material procurement, production planning, quality control, sales management and other links, to ensure the stable operation and economic benefits of the organic fertilizer production line.

The difference between disc granulator and drum granulator in processing fertilizers

The disc granulator and drum granulator each have different characteristics and applicable scenarios.

disc granulator is a common granulation equipment that produces spherical particles from raw materials through the action of rotating discs and centrifugal force. The disc granulator has the characteristics of automatic classification, small footprint, low cost, flexible operation, and easy observation. It is suitable for the granulation process of manufacturing a wide variety of materials with precise agglomerate size, especially suitable for small organic fertilizer plants. However, the disc granulator also has some drawbacks, such as low output of a single equipment, inability to seal the equipment, and high dust.

The drum granulator has the characteristics of large production capacity, long material retention time, and multiple processes simultaneously. It is suitable for granulating materials that are not easily granulated and is suitable for large-scale production.

The stock conversion granulator adopts various combination lifting devices. The dryer has undergone multiple technological innovations in the lifting device system. It adopts a new type of multi combination lifting device to overcome the wind tunnel phenomenon and heat of traditional dryers. High efficiency, reducing coal consumption by about 20%.

The reasonable equipment structure of the organic fertilizer equipment conversion granulator reduces the occupied area, has a large production capacity, and is easy to operate. Its technology is mature, high-temperature industrial, safe and reliable, energy-saving and environmentally friendly, greatly saving costs.

The advantages of a drum granulator are large production capacity of a single equipment, good sealing, no dust and exhaust gas leakage, easy setting of feeding and automatic control of water spraying, long residence time of materials in the cylinder, and high particle strength. At present, large and medium-sized fertilizer production plants all use drum granulation.

In practical applications, some manufacturers have connected disc granulators and drum granulators in series for secondary granulation, and have achieved good results. But whether it needs to be used together depends on specific production needs and conditions.

Granulation and processing technology of organic fertilizer production line

Organic fertilizer production line is a kind of special equipment for processing poultry manure to form organic fertilizer. This kind of production line has a certain working standard in processing, and only according to the working standard can it play the role of production. So, what is the working standard of organic fertilizer production line in the process of processing?

The water content of sludge in the organic fertilizer production line is high, about 75% ≤ 80%, and the content of harmful bacteria is not high after anaerobic fermentation. When it is transported back to the fermentation plant, the raw materials with low water content should be placed in the fermentation tank, and then the mixed waste should be placed on the top of the fermentation tank, so as to make full use of the liquid organic fertilizer and improve the content of various nutrients in the raw materials. In the fermentation process, the moisture content of raw material is 50% ≤ 55%.

When the temperature reaches 65-70 ℃, the compost dumper can dump the material. When the temperature is too high, the beneficial bacteria in the raw materials will be killed. When the content of beneficial bacteria in the finished product is unqualified, the fermentation time can reach 5 to 7 days in summer and longer in winter.

At this time, the moisture content of the decomposed material is 35%≤40%, and the material can be crushed. It can be carried out by a special crusher for organic fertilizer. Shattered material dumping bin,

Ingredients 3~4 warehouses, and the other two warehouses for adding trace elements, are automatically weighed and sent to the main conveyor to the biaxial organic fertilizer production line for mixing.

Continuously agitate the material. After mixing, the material directly enters the bucket elevator and rises to the ground, and enters at a height of 2 meters. The chain grinder is crushed. Because there are small agglomerations during the stirring, the granulation effect is not good, so the crushed materials are sent into Disc feeder, disc feeder can give multiple granulators at the same time, feed uniformly, and then use NPK fertilizer granulator for granulation treatment.

Finally, the fertilizer granules are processed by the NPK fertilizer manufacturing process, metered and packaged, and sold as commercial fertilizer.

How to solve the problem of air tightness in the fermentation raw materials of organic fertilizer turner

The fermentation of raw materials in organic fertilizer turner is an important biological transformation process, which converts organic materials into nutrient rich fertilizers through the action of microorganisms. In this process, breathability is a key factor as it directly affects the activity of microorganisms, oxygen supply, and fermentation efficiency.

When the fermentation raw materials of the organic fertilizer turner are not breathable, the following problems may occur:

Insufficient oxygen supply: Microorganisms require oxygen for respiration during the fermentation process. If the material is stacked too tightly or the container is sealed too tightly, the oxygen supply will be limited, leading to a decrease in microbial activity and even anaerobic fermentation may occur.

Reduced fermentation efficiency: Due to insufficient oxygen supply, the metabolic activity of microorganisms will be affected, resulting in a slower or even stagnant fermentation speed. This will prolong the fermentation cycle, increase time and energy costs.

Harmful gas generation: During anaerobic fermentation, microorganisms may produce harmful gases such as methane and hydrogen sulfide. These gases are not only harmful to human health and the environment, but may also affect the quality and safety of fermentation products.

To solve the problem of air tightness in the fermentation raw materials of organic fertilizer stacker, the following measures can be taken:

Increase material permeability: During the fermentation process, the permeability of the material can be increased by flipping, stirring, and other methods. This helps to improve oxygen supply and enhance microbial activity.

Choose a suitable fermentation container: The fermentation container should have good breathability so that air can circulate freely. Meanwhile, the size and shape of the container should also be selected based on the quantity and characteristics of the fermentation material.

Controlling fermentation temperature and humidity: Appropriate fermentation temperature and humidity are crucial for the growth and metabolism of microorganisms. By adjusting the temperature and humidity of the fermentation environment, microbial activity can be promoted and fermentation efficiency can be improved.

Monitoring and adjusting the fermentation process: During the fermentation process, the temperature, humidity, oxygen content and other indicators of the fermentation materials should be regularly monitored, and the fermentation conditions should be adjusted in a timely manner based on the monitoring results. This helps to ensure the smooth progress of the fermentation process and avoid problems.

In summary, breathability is one of the key factors to consider in the fermentation process of organic fertilizers. By increasing the permeability of materials, selecting appropriate fermentation containers, controlling fermentation temperature and humidity, and monitoring and adjusting the fermentation process, the problem of non breathability in organic fertilizer fermentation can be effectively solved, and the fermentation efficiency and fertilizer quality can be improved.

What equipment is needed for processing organic fertilizer with cow manure in cattle farms

For a farm that has raised 2000 cows, the production equipment for cow manure organic fertilizer needs to cover the entire production process, including the collection, pretreatment, fermentation, granulation, and packaging of cow manure. The following is a list of equipment for producing cow manure organic fertilizer, based on the information in the reference article:

1、 Collection and pre-processing equipment

Organic fertilizer flipper: used to flip and mix organic materials such as cow manure, promoting the fermentation process. The tipping machine can ensure uniform fermentation of materials and improve fermentation efficiency.

Organic fertilizer crusher: Crushes materials such as cow manure for subsequent processing. The crushed material is easier to mix and ferment.

2、 Fermentation equipment

Fermentation tank or fermentation tank: Depending on the scale of the farm, one can choose to build a fermentation tank or use a fermentation tank for fermentation. The fermentation pool or tank should have good sealing and insulation performance to ensure the smooth progress of the fermentation process.

Ventilation equipment: used to provide oxygen to fermentation tanks or tanks, ensuring the normal activity of microorganisms. Ventilation equipment can be simple ventilation pipes or ventilation systems with fans and regulating valves.

3、 Granulation equipment

Organic fertilizer granulator: The fermented material is granulated to produce organic fertilizer particles that meet the requirements. Granulators can choose from types such as disc granulators, drum granulators, etc., based on production needs and material characteristics.

Screening machine: screens the granulated products to remove non-conforming products and ensure product quality. The screening machine can choose different mesh sizes according to needs to meet the production needs of different specifications of organic fertilizers.

4、 Drying and cooling equipment

Organic fertilizer dryer: Dry the granulated organic fertilizer to remove excess moisture and prevent clumping and mold. Drying machines can be selected from various types such as air flow dryers, drum dryers, etc., based on production needs and material characteristics.

Organic fertilizer cooler: Cools the dried organic fertilizer to lower the temperature and facilitate packaging and storage. The cooling machine can choose between natural cooling or forced cooling.

5、 Packaging and storage equipment

Packaging machine: Packaging the dried and cooled organic fertilizer for easy sales and use. Packaging machines can choose from automatic quantitative packaging machines, sealing machines, and other types based on production needs and packaging specifications.

Storage warehouse: used to store packaged organic fertilizers, ensuring product safety and quality. The storage warehouse should have good ventilation, moisture prevention, and insect prevention measures.

In addition, according to the actual situation of the farm, it may also be necessary to equip conveying equipment (such as belt conveyors, screw conveyors, etc.) to transfer materials between various links; Dust removal equipment is used to remove dust generated during the production process; The control system is used for automated control of the entire production line.

The advantages of chain composting equipment in the production process of organic fertilizers

Composting equipment is essential in organic fertilizer manufacturing process. The design of the chain plate tipping machine is reasonable, and the power consumption of the motor is low. Our turning machine adopts high-quality hard face gear reducer in the transmission, with low noise and high efficiency.

Now let’s talk about the performance characteristics of the organic fertilizer composting equipment-chain plate turner in detail.

1. Optional with trough compost turner, automatic discharge device, solar fermentation chamber and ventilation aeration system. It can be realized that one dumper can carry out multi slot operation and save investment by changing slot with the transfer machine.

2. When the composting equipment overturns, the material stays on the pallet for a long time, scatters at a high position, contacts with the air fully, and is easy to reduce the moisture.

3. The pallet of the compost turning machine is equipped with flexible tensioning and elastic damping systems to protect the transmission system and working parts for efficient operation. The turning pallet is equipped with a removable wear-resistant curved tooth knife, which has strong crushing ability and good oxygenation effect of the material pile.

4. The lifting and lowering of working parts are controlled by hydraulic system, which is flexible, safe and fast. The machine can be remotely controlled to move forward, move horizontally, turn over and quickly retreat and other operations to improve the operating environment.

5. Side reduction front and rear bridges have high ground clearance and large bearing capacity. The machine has good turning and throwing performance, and the fermented materials are suitable for fertilizer granulator machine processing.

6. Through the lateral and longitudinal displacement, the dumper can realize the dumping operation at any position in the tank, which is flexible.

7. The machine adopts chain transmission and rolling support supporting plate structure, which has the advantages of small overturning resistance, power saving and energy saving, and is suitable for deep groove operation.

Working principle and usage method of chicken manure fermentation tank type tipping machine

The chicken manure fermentation tank type tipping machine is an efficient mechanical equipment specifically used for the fermentation treatment of livestock and poultry manure, especially chicken manure. The following is a detailed introduction about the device:

The chicken manure fermentation tank type tipping machine is a modern agricultural machinery equipment mainly used for the fermentation treatment of livestock and poultry manure. By operating the tipping machine, it is possible to achieve uniform flipping, mixing, and ventilation of chicken manure, thereby accelerating the fermentation process of chicken manure and improving the yield and quality of organic fertilizers.

Working principle: The working principle of the slot type tipping machine is mainly to achieve the flipping of compost through the movement and flipping of the tipping shovel device. When the tipping shovel device moves upwards, it will flip the compost up, and when it moves downwards, it will flatten the compost. At the same time, the function of the baffle and skateboard is to control the movement and position of the compost, so that it will not scatter during the flipping process. The stacker needs to be flipped in a certain order to ensure that the compost can be fully mixed and fermented.

Technical features:

Efficiency: The slot type tipping machine can quickly and evenly flip and mix chicken manure, greatly accelerating the fermentation speed and increasing the yield of organic fertilizers.

High degree of automation: The equipment adopts advanced control systems, which can achieve automated operations, reduce manual intervention, and reduce labor intensity.

Strong adaptability: The stacker is suitable for breeding farms and fermentation tanks of different scales, and can be customized and adjusted according to actual needs.

Environmental protection and energy conservation: By operating the tipping machine, the accumulation and pollution of chicken manure can be reduced, while promoting the recycling of organic matter, which meets environmental protection requirements.

main parameter

Production capacity: According to different models and specifications, the output can be adjusted within a certain range to meet the needs of different scale aquaculture farms.

Power: Depending on the size and performance requirements of the equipment, the motor power also varies, generally ranging from several thousand watts to tens of kilowatts.

Flipping width: The equipment’s flipping width is usually between 2 meters and 5 meters, and can be adjusted according to the actual width of the compost.

usage method

Preparation stage: Mix chicken manure and other auxiliary materials in proportion and lay them in the fermentation tank.

Start the equipment: Start the stacker and perform the stacker operation according to the set parameters and sequence.

Monitoring and adjustment: During the flipping process, close attention should be paid to the operating status of the equipment and the fermentation situation of the compost, and adjustments and optimizations should be made as needed.

End operation: After the chicken manure is fully fermented and meets the predetermined requirements, stop the operation of the turner and prepare for the next batch of fermentation treatment.

The chicken manure fermentation tank type tipping machine is an efficient and environmentally friendly agricultural machinery and equipment, with broad application prospects in the field of livestock and poultry manure treatment. By using this device, rapid and uniform fermentation treatment of chicken manure can be achieved, improving the yield and quality of organic fertilizers, while reducing environmental pollution and resource waste.

A complete set of equipment for producing organic fertilizer from animal manure and crop straw

A complete set of organic fertilizer equipment is a mechanical equipment system used for processing organic waste, such as livestock manure, crop straw, etc., to produce organic fertilizers. The following is a clear answer to the complete set of organic fertilizer production equipment, including equipment type, function, and reference price information:

Equipment type

Animal manure organic fertilizer production line: This type of equipment usually includes multiple links such as collection, crushing, mixing, fermentation, drying, granulation, and packaging of animal manure, achieving harmless treatment and resource utilization of animal manure.

Organic fertilizer box fermentation equipment: a device specifically designed for the fermentation of organic materials, which accelerates the maturation process of organic materials by controlling factors such as temperature, humidity, and oxygen supply.

Roller squeezing granulator: used to produce granular fertilizer from fermented organic materials, facilitating storage, transportation, and use.

Fertilizer granulation equipment: including various types of granulators, such as disc granulators, drum granulators, etc., suitable granulation methods are selected based on the characteristics of raw materials and production needs.

2. Equipment functions

Harmless treatment: By using methods such as biological fermentation, organic waste is transformed into stable and harmless organic fertilizers.

Resource utilization: Transforming animal manure, crop straw, and other waste materials into valuable organic fertilizers to achieve resource recycling.

Improving fertilizer quality: Through professional processing equipment and technology, the efficiency and quality of organic fertilizers can be improved to meet the needs of different crops and soils.

3. Precautions

When choosing a complete set of equipment for organic fertilizer production, comprehensive consideration should be given to factors such as one’s own production scale, raw material characteristics, and market demand, and the appropriate equipment type and specifications should be selected.

When purchasing equipment, attention should be paid to issues such as quality, performance, and after-sales service to ensure the stable operation and long-term benefits of the equipment.